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Nail Polish

Nail polish or nail varnish is a type of cosmetic lacquer, which is applied to the nails. The nails can be of both of the fingers and toes. Nail paints are applied usually as ornamentation but also as protection.

Historic records of nail painting start from ancient times in China and Egypt. In China, some particular mixtures from...

Body massaging oil

Body massage with oil is the most common type of massage. Body oil should be chosen according to the season and the personal charter. Sesame oil is the best for massaging. In the winter one can also use mustard oil, however it should not be used in summer. Those in the habit of steady inner use of mustard oil can massage with it in all seasons. Coc...

Face wash

Methods of face wash

The face should be washed minimum two times in a day. Washing the face too often causes sebaceous glands to create more oil, which results in an oily face. Before washing the face, take care to hold back any hair, which interferes in the face wash. A cleanser, which is compatible to the skin type, is chosen. The face is ...

Clear Nail Polish

Application of Clear Nail Polish

It must be understood that nails are a part of our body and should be paid proper attention, similar to any other part. Atleast half an hour per week must be reserved for nails. First, remove the existing nail polish. Use the nail file and soak the nails. Now, apply a layer of clear nail polish. After it drie...

Eye shadow

Choice of Eye shadow color

The color of eye shadow has to balance the skin and eye color. It should stand out against the color of the eyes. Simple and natural shades are available. Dark shades curtail the eyes, while light shades make them prominent. For blue eyes, soft brown and tan colors are recommended. For green eyes, khaki and brown s...

Eyebrow liner

The Need of Eyebrow liner

Quite a few women observe that their eyebrow looses hair with age. This happens due to hormonal and/or chemical alterations. An Eyebrow liner is used to fill the meager eyebrows as well as provide a proper shape for the disorderly ones. It re-shapes and emphasizes the eyebrow into a natural look, which is retained u...


Notes of perfumes

Perfumes are a blend of sweet smelling essential oils, odorants, fixatives and solvents devised with a sole aim of offering a pleasing smell. They play a crucial role in the make up of any woman. They are particularly linked with the amorous and bodily aspect of life. Perfumes have three types of sources – Plants, Animal an...

Face pack

An Introduction:

Face pack helps to improve the blood circulation of face, act as a cleanser for the face. It tauten the entire face which make the face to look more beautiful and attractive. Face pack is the most effective way to influence the skin of the face. They nourish the skin of the face and enhance the beauty of face. It is mostly m...

Hair oil

Oiling is a amazing way to keep the moisture content high all the way to the tips and works best in blend with other details. It is the mixture of the details that creates beautiful hair. Excellent detangling, proper washing, good quality products in shampoo and conditioner choices, high quality detangling tools, oiling and dusting and wearing hair...

Lip liner

Lipstick gives the final touch to any makeup application. Lining the lips creates delicate definition and perfects the shape of the lips. Lip liner is not essential but if used it should be applied first. It should either be unbiased in colour or match the shade of the lipstick and not darker than lipstick. Lip liner is used to define the look of t...

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