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Heritage Fishing: Fishing in the Past for the Future

Heritage fisheries are carefully maintained aquatic preserves in various parts of the world where a tradition or habitat surrounding fishing has been protected from today’s modern hazards. A heritage fishery may be a lake, river or part of the ocean; its locale having less to do with its heritage designation than preservation of a certain style or ...

Lure Terminology

There are many ways to lure in fish to your boat. Words like rigging, chumming, and luring come to mind. However, there are many varieties when it comes to lures and trying to decipher between all of them can be a confusing process. In addition, knowing when to “chum” as oppose to “lure” can be equally challenging when you are ready to catch the mo...

"Noodling": Cooking Pasta or Catching Catfish?

"Noodling" conjures up images of standing over a vat of boiling water, cooking some kind of Italian pasta to perfection. This may be one definition of the term, but in reference to one of the oddest fishing styles known, it refers to the art of fishing for catfish using only bare hands and a big stick for prodding purposes. That is correct; using o...

Blue Marlin Fishing

Marlins are characterized as big game saltwater fish. The average weight of a blue marlin is anywhere from one hundred to five hundred pounds. Their bodies can reach the length of ten feet and they are mainly found in the Pacific, Indian, and Atlantic Oceans. The blue marlin is known for its ability to fight, so you must be willing to match the mar...

Night Fishing

Night fishing is a little harder than fishing when the sun is bright. However, it is common throughout the reservoirs of the south and southeast when the summer months are too uncomfortable to fish for an entire day. The water will usually be so warm that the fish will go deeper and deeper from the surface to find more oxygen, making them harder to...

Fishing With Children

Often times as adults, we want to share our hobbies and pastimes with our children. However, it can be difficult to decide when that pastime is appropriate. Children have shorter attention spans that make it difficult to calculate when they are ready for certain things. Fishing is a common hobby of many people around the world and many people are e...

Christmas Music � Discover How the Joyous Sounds of Music Can Have Amazing Health Benefits for You!

Christmas associations for most people include the sounds of joyous Christmas carolers and beautiful or fun Christmas music. There are many beautiful and soothing Christmas tunes often played in the background during the festive holiday season. You will be delighted to discover that music has amazing health benefits for you!

I Love Italian Wine and Food - The Sicily Region

If you are looking for fine Italian wine and food, consider the Sicily region of southern Italy. You may find a bargain, and I hope that you'll have

10 Tips for Dropping a Dress Size

1 Put Protein First
Ever notice how eating protein-packed foods, like meats, fish and dairy makes you feel full? You're not imagining it. Studies show that protein triggers the production of the enzyme glucagon, which causes the feeling of fullness, according to Jay Cooper, a fitness expert in St. George, UT, and author of Th...

Allergy-free Dog Food, Is it the Best Solution?

Your pet dog is a unique companion that requires your love and attention. When your dog is suffering from any ailment or condition, you're also suffering. Sometimes, it's difficult to find out what causes such ailments, and many vets claim that it has something to do with food allergies. Around 10% of dog allergies are due to food.

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