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Choosing right direction for antenna

Antennas are the electronic devices that are used to transmit and receive radio signals. These are electrical conductors for radio waves. Heinrich hertz discovered antennas in 1888. He discovered the antennas to prove the existence of electromagnetic waves. They convert radio frequency electrical current to electromagnetic waves and vice versa. The...

Cell phone jammers

A cell phone is an electronic device that is portable for talking over long distances. Cell phone connects to the cellular network of the site of cell which is further connected to the telephone network of public. Mobile phone offers many services other then acting as a phone. It offer the services like SMS, access to internet and also the MMS faci...

Symptoms of Male Infertility

Infertility is a condition that occurs not only in females but also in males. It is important to note that infertility is not a physical condition, and most symptoms reflect a far greater problem that resides inside a male body. The pretesticular causes of male fertility include many problems. They are endocrine problems such as diabetes mellitus a...

Exercise to enhance fertility

It has been distinguished that women who are very thin and women who are obese have a hard time conceiving. Studies have found that 12 percent of infertility cases are due to being underweight or overweight. This is perhaps because body fat plays a role in reproduction. The sex hormones are dissolving in fat but not in water. Therefore, they are st...


Tuning in

Chimes are actually a set of bells set to tune. Wind chimes are tubes hung outside a window or a building that strike each other by the flow of wind and produce soft tunes that are sweet to the ear. These chimes are usually hollow but may be solid also. Generally there is a ball or some sort of feature in the centre of the circular...

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