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The Only Way To Get Rich In The Music Industry

Unless you have spent the majority of your life living under a rock then you should be familiar with the saying, “If you want anything done right – you need to do it yourself!”

This may very well be one of the most valid sets of words ever spoken. Those words apply to the music industry like a hand in a glove.


It�s Never Too Late to Rediscover the Musician Inside Of You

Do you recall the day you traded in your guitar for a job at the bank or gave up your piano lessons to become a doctor? Have you been thinking about rediscovering your musical roots as soon as your retirement kicks in? Are you still hoping that some day you’ll get to dust off your sax and join the local jam session? If this sou...

What Your Music Profile Should Say About You

Your online music profile is the bottom-line essential information on WHO you are as a band, singer, songwriter and/or musician. Your music profile, as to how it fits in the big picture online, is your biography or resume that presents you to the music industry, other musicians, and your potential fans. That makes it a very imp...

Washing Wine Glasses: From a Chore to an Art Form

No one is particularly fond of washing dishes, with many people reserving it for times when the tower of dirty dishes in the kitchen sink begins to

The Wine of Israel and Wine in Biblical Times

Israel is a nation possessing a rich past. The turning pages of history find it at the center of the Bible, while present day finds it at the center

I Love Italian Wine and Food - The Sicily Region

If you are looking for fine Italian wine and food, consider the Sicily region of southern Italy. You may find a bargain, and I hope that you'll have

I Love Italian Wine and Food - Vino Novello (New Wine)

We interrupt our series on the wines of Italy’s twenty regions to present a very timely subject, Vino Novello, Italy’s version of New Wine. Once a year, starting in early November, Italy releases Vino Novello, to the delight of many, and to the eternal disappointment of many others. We describe New Wine, in particular the Itali...

Organic Wine: Reprieve for the Allergic

When I was a kid, I developed an allergy to peanut butter, something I loved to eat by the spoonful. While others ate it, mixing clumps with strawberry jam and putting it between two slices of bread, I stood by drooling; then, with a sense of defeat, I went to stick my head in my Easy Bake Oven. To me, there was nothing worse t...

Wine Tastings for Singles

Dating, for those of us who are tired of being single, can be a royal pain. From speed dating to online dating, from the taverns to the grocery stores, we have several outlets where we can meet potential matches. But, unfortunately, these matches often extinguish before they can light even the slightest spark, leaving those of ...

Best Camera Cell Phone

Best camera cell phone - description.

Best camera cell phone is a title that many camera cell phones have the right to claim. An example of the cellular phones that can claim the title of the "best camera cell phone" are great phones like SPH-a600 digital camera cell phone by Samsung that also allows accessing the web and Samsung SGHV-20...

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