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The Dollars and Cents of a Four-Year Degree

When it comes down to the importance of an education there is no denying that the longer you stay in school the better off you are when it comes to earning potential over the course of your lifetime. Recent estimates have presented some rather astonishing figures to support these claims however, and I for one think they are well worth mentioning.

Common eBay Scams to be on the Lookout For

Are you looking to start buying on eBay? If you have never used eBay before, you may not necessarily know that it is relatively easy to fall victim to an eBay scam. While eBay is considered a safe place to shop online, there are a number of eBay scams that you should be on the lookout for. Knowing what these scams are, before you start shopping on ...

eBay Sellers: Why You Should Have an �About Me,� Page

Are you an eBay seller? If you are looking for ways to make money from home, there is a good chance that you may be. When it comes to working from home or making money from home, one of the first places that people turn to is eBay. The only problem is that to make money on eBay, you must be a successful seller. There are a number of steps that you ...

eBay Sellers: How to Market Your Auctions

Are you an eBay seller? If you are, your goal is likely to make as much money as you can by selling products that you no longer need or want on eBay. Unfortunately, there are now thousands, if not millions, of individuals who are interested in doing the same thing. For you, this often means a steady increase in competition. However, even with compe...

eBay Users: What You Need to Know About Phishing Scams

Are you an eBay user? Whether you use eBay to do your online shopping or if you use eBay to generate extra income for yourself, as an eBay seller, there is something that you need to be aware of. As an eBay user, whether you are a seller or a buyer, you need to be on the lookout for phishing scams. Phishing scams are rapidly increasing in popularit...

For some people, fishing is a pastime. For others among us, it is a serious sport

Often there is a nice spot to fish from the shore of a pond, lake, stream or river. Other times, you will need to consider what kind of transportation you will need to get over the water. The canoe is the oldest craft. It is the traditional vehicle of the American Indian and has great traditional value, but that does not mean it is the best kind of...

Many people have never experienced fishing

Dress warmly, more so than usual. Ice fishing takes place in the open, which means that winds will be noticeable and can be a factor in comfort. You should have plenty of layers beneath a windproof coat – it’s best to need to take off layers than not have enough from the start, as cooling down is easier than warming up. If the temperature is not ve...

It�s great to fish in the summer when the air is warm and the lake is calm

What makes ice fishing so appealing to families is that the sport isn’t just about catching fish. Getting outdoors and breathing crisp, good air while having fun sums up ice fishing well. Smiles, laughs, and playing in the snow are all pretty common occurrences while out on the ice. Those reasons are just some of the few that even people who hate f...

Heritage Fishing: Fishing in the Past for the Future

Heritage fisheries are carefully maintained aquatic preserves in various parts of the world where a tradition or habitat surrounding fishing has been protected from today’s modern hazards. A heritage fishery may be a lake, river or part of the ocean; its locale having less to do with its heritage designation than preservation of a certain style or ...

Preparing for the Taxidermist

Taxidermy, from the Greek for “arrangement of the skin”, is essentially the art of mounting and reproducing dead animals for display purposes. It is a controversial element of life that has long been popular, but with new philosophies springing forth out of new movements, taxidermy may be experiencing a significant decline. Some taxidermists actual...

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