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The truth is you will never hear a commercial telling you how to change your diet and lifestyle to reverse your diabetes type 1 or type 2.

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New Year 2013 is coming & we all want to welcome New year by giving great gifts with best wishes on this auspicious occasion of New Year to near ones

Ways To Free Yourself From Hemorrhoid

Many people have experienced having hemorrhoid and dealing with it is really a pain in the ass literally. Hemorrhoid are called piles that are commonl

A Close –Knit Group Of Lesbians: The L Word

'The L Word' is an American series that involves drama in the complex lives of a bunch of lesbian girls who resides in Los Angeles. It is the creation

An In-Depth Critical Analysis of Seventh Day Adventist Church Logo Design

A church cannot be described in words; it is a divine concept that can only be understood when one has an in-depth interest.

Decorating your Home Theater on a Budget

If you are fortunate enough to be building a room in your home that is dedicated to the purpose of watching movies or as a home theater it only makes sense that you would like to decorate the room in a manner that is completely befitting of its purpose. There are amazing options available within this growing market of decorating and generally, ther...


Cartilage is made up of protein and acts as a cushion, in between the bones at the joints. Degeneration and loss of cartilage at the joints is called “Osteoarthritis” or “Degenerative arthritis.” It happens at the hands, feet, spine, hips and knees. If the cause is unknown, it is called “Primary arthritis”. It can be attributed to aging and heredit...

Massage therapy

Arthritis, in its virulent form, can be an incapacitating disease. Even in its mild and moderate forms, arthritis can be physically devastating. Whatever its stage, arthritis can be effectively tackled with massage therapy. The best aspect of massage therapy is that an arthritis sufferer can use basic massage techniques on himself or herself. Massa...

Copper bracelet

Copper assists in the formation of red blood cells and keeps bones healthy, thereby avoiding arthritis. Humans contain 75-150 mg copper and require 3 mg copper per day and it is not achieved with modern diet. Copper is essential for the production and generation of the cartilage between the bone surfaces. So, the use of copper bracelets is advocate...

Ancient remedy for arthritis

 Arthritis is a very old disease. In an effort to overcome it, many ancient remedies have been in existence.


The Romans, French and the British used paraffin wax as a heat-inducing introduction to massage. Paraffin therapy provides lubrication and removes the excess fluid from surrounding tissue. In this way it reduces p...

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