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Who�s Living In Your Rain Gutters?

Just about every house is equipped with rain gutters. Often the gutter system includes some form of gutter protection system. It means gutter guards, gutter covers, gutter screens, or gutter filters that prevent leaves, pine needles, twigs, tree flowers, seeds, seed pods, and other debris from getting into the gutters. If you have debris in the gutter, it can form a little dam inside the rain gutter. Mosquitoes bite birds and get infected.


If there is normal, rainfall occurring then there will not be enough of moisture in the soil, which is very much necessary. The grass that is growing instead of going green goes brown on the contrary. To ensure you with high quality of lawn then proper watering is needed. If the footprints remain while you are walking around the lawn or a little ch...

Sprinkle grass seed

The first step is to remove the thatch, weeds, stones, sticks from the lawn and provide the grass seed space to shoot up. Make the soil loose in uncovered parts upto a depth of 1” with a cultivator. On these spots apply a grass fertilizer or some compost. If these parts are a lot compacted, loosen the soil upto 6”. It is required to add peat moss t...

Selection of grass species

Grasses are classified as cool-season and warm-season grasses. The former have active growth in fall and spring (particularly when soil temperature is between 50-65 degrees F and air temperature between 60-75 degrees F) and are dormant in summer. The latter can stand high temperature and drought circumstances. Good growth occurs when soil temperatu...

Renovating lawn in time

Renovation of lawn involves killing existing turf and replacing it with new grass without tilling or changing the grade that is normally done during the organizing a new lawn. The reason to renovate lawn when disease or insects frequently attack the species or variety has caused the lawn to thin out, the landscape has become increasingly shady over...

Raking the seed areas

The process of raking is also called as detaching. A thatch is the icky brown stuff that builds up from the dead crowns and the stems of the grass plants. The upper portion of the grass always remains greener but with a careful look at the base of the plants one can get to know about the fact and see that the this part is brown and dry looking. Gen...

Lawn renovation

Lawn renovation describes corrective procedures to restore beauty to an old lawn without removing all of the grass. It can be as simple as over seeding a thin turf area or can include power raking and core ventilation if thatch is greater than 1/2 inch or the soil is compacted. A total renovation would occupy killing the undesirable grasses with a ...

Lawn clipping management

Lawn clippings are mainly grass leaves along with some stems that are cut by the lawn mower. Earlier clippings were bagged using rotary mowers. It was thought that they might aid thatch development. But this assumption is now disproved.

The Present

In summer period, 20-30% of residential wastes are made up of grass clippings. These en...

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