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I Love Italian Wine and Food - Tasting a Noble Sicilian Wine

Once again, we are breaking into the series tasting wines from each of Italy’s twenty wine regions. This article examines a noble red wine from the island of Sicily in southern Italy. It is very far from a bargain wine. We were about a dozen to taste it. I’ll be presenting my opinions and those of others.

So far, the wi...

Wine Tastings for Singles

Dating, for those of us who are tired of being single, can be a royal pain. From speed dating to online dating, from the taverns to the grocery stores, we have several outlets where we can meet potential matches. But, unfortunately, these matches often extinguish before they can light even the slightest spark, leaving those of ...

Know how to become a freelance illustrator

One of the biggest markets where freelance work is done is in the field of designing and illustration. Defined as "doing a graphic design jobs for businesses to make their products sell via direct marketing," designing is becoming one of the growing markets where designers earn income by doing freelance work.

The world goes freelance

The word “freelance” was first coined by Sir Walter Scott, a renowned Scottish historical novelist and poet, in 1819 when he wrote his novel Ivanhoe, to refer to a medieval mercenary warrior. The term has then shifted into more figurative meanings. In the 1860s, freelance became a figurative noun, and in 1903, it was officially recognized as a verb by etymologists like the Oxford English Dictionary.

Your guide to becoming a freelance translator

Freelancing is one of the surefire approaches most professional use in order to earn extra income. Some of them even use this as a as stepping stone in order to accomplish a stable career. Today, one of the most lucrative areas where freelancers earn a great deal of income is the field of translation.

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