Mistakes To Avoid While Redesigning The Website

  Maulik Pandya    January 4, 2023    521


A website is the public face of your company. Whether it’s a large, billion-dollar company like Amazon or a freelancer showcasing his work, a website is a critical part of your business that helps raise interest among potential customers in your services.

Web technology continues to evolve and transform over time, just like other types of technology do every few years. Whatever we utilize today could not be as popular or pertinent in four years.

With that in mind, given below are ten web design and development mistakes you must avoid at all costs.

1. Aesthetics over functionality

2. Not optimizing your website design for lead generation

3. Not making your website mobile-friendly

4. Not having a proper content strategy

5. Not focusing on the SEO

6. Choosing the wrong design team

7. Not simplifying the website design

8. Not deciding the technology to use

9. Not making the website responsive

10. Not setting enough budget

The only requirements for turning your website into a successful business are a brilliant plan and a skilled web design team.

Read Originally Published Blog: https://evincedev.com/blog/common-mistakes-to-avoid-while-redesigning-the-website/

 Article keywords:
create a website, creating a website for your business, responsive design, web design company


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