10 Best JavaScript Animation Libraries In 2021

  Solace  Infotech    July 15, 2021    536


You can add simple animations by just using simple CSS animations. But for more complex or advanced effects, Javascript is a better tool. Using javascript, creating javascript is more challenging than using CSS. Javascript animations are carried out by including gradual adjustments to a component’s fashion. You can add them in-line as a part of your code, or embed them in different objects. When delivering, these changes are alluded to as up by a timer. Also, you can manage the continuity of animations by adjusting the time interval of adjustments. Here is a list of Javascript animation libraries that you can use.

Top 10 Javascript Animation Libraries To In 2021-

1. Velocity.js-

It combines the best of CSS transitions and jQuery. It rates near about 17K stars on GitHub and support of prominent users such as Whatsapp and Mailchimp. Delaying, reversing, looping, hiding/showing elements, property math(+, -, *, /), and hardware acceleration, etc part of features. Velocity.js can be used to scroll browser windows. It can work with jQuery loaded in your browser and also independent of it, and can undo previous animations.  

2. Anime.js-

It is a light-weight animation library having 350 stars on GitHub. You should use it to animate HTML, CSS, JS, SVG and DOM attributes. With in-built staggering system, it can create ripples, directional actions, follow-through and overlapping results seem easy. It can be used on each timing and property. You can do lots of things with built-in callback and management capabilities. For occasion, you may play, pause, manage, reverse and set off occasions in sync. 

3. GreenSockJS-

This library works with a bunch of small Javascript file which makes animations more beautiful. It chains various animation properties and eliminates bugs from the web browser. GreenSock library is compatible with lots of software like HTML5, SVG, jQuery, Canvas, CSS, new browsers, old browsers, React, Vue and EaseIJS. With this, it is smooth and packed with beautiful animation features. Apart from this, GreenShock is modular, means you have freedom to choose and select the part of library you need for your project.

4. Mo.js-

It is has a big half to play in animations, and is a choice with which you can male an impression too. With various tutorials and demos to help out, beginners probably won’t find it difficult to make geometrical shapes and time animations. You can do a lot with APIs. Within toolkit, you’ll find a Curve Editor and Timeline Editor to help you construct your animations, and a Player to manage your animations. There are different modules for staggering, easing, timeline and so on.

5. Vivus.js-

If you need a pen drawing on a display screen in real-time, you’ll hit the mark with Vivus. It helps you to animate SVGs giving the impression of being drawn. It is quick and light-weight as it has no dependencies. You can select any of the accessible animations- Delayed, Sync or one by one. Otherwise you can also create customized script to attract your SVG. For more flexibility, you can override animation of each path with an easy JavaScript performance.

6. ScrollReveal JS-

You can animate your web elements as they scroll into view, ScrollReveal won’t disappoint. This simple library has zero dependencies and 18.5K+ stars on GitHub. It supports different types of effects and works well with web and mobile browsers. It works with bare-bones configuration, hence you can use it as a canvas for creativity. To increase the effect of animations, the creators suggest that you use it sparingly.

7. Lottie-

This lightweight animated graphics library maintains a good balance between high-quality graphics and their rendering. This makes the app compact and includes lots of useful features. It can be used for iOS, IoTs and web platforms without need of extra software. It can run on any web browser without any problem, which supports Javascript. It’s storing format for animations is in plain text which is easy to understand. As the text data is stored in JSON format, it can be easily simulated with any Javascript environment. It has 30 thousand stars on GitHub.

8. Magic Animations-

This is an impressive animation library with unique animations and having 6000 stars on GitHub. Similar to animate, one can implement this library by including the CSS file. Animations in this can be implemented with jQuery and offers a nice demo. File size is small when compared with Animate and is mostly known for its unique animations, like magic effects, bomb effects and foolish effects.  

9. PopMotion-

It is a functional Javascript animation library that can work with an API which accept numbers as inputs like React and Three JS. Popmotion is compact in size at 11.7kB but combines features. It features animations like keyframes, decay, the timeline for synchronizing various instances and so on.

10. Three.js-

Three.js library has 600+ starts on GitHub. It is depending on WebGL to create and render 3D animations within browser. It also has a documentation  to help you. While using the Three.js editor, you can create a scene, add geometrical figures and regulate lighting and digicam. The texture, materials, object, color and fogging can be tweaked and file printed to your venture. 

 Article keywords:
javascript, animation


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