10 Best Vue UI Component Libraries And Frameworks In 2021

  Solace  Infotech    July 13, 2021    465


Vue.js is a javascript framework that you can use to create dynamic dynamic applications on the frontend. It is easy to use, and components are at the core of the Vue framework. There are some UI component libraries that provide building blocks for productive user interface development. Instead of coding and styling buttons, cards and layouts,one can use these libraries to get access to necessary UI elements to create content rich apps. If you are thinking to adopt Vue.js for development, knowing the following libraries and frameworks will help you in rapid development. Let’s see top 10 vue UI component libraries and libraries.

Top 10 Vue UI Component Libraries And Frameworks To Use In 2021-

1. iView-

This high-quality Vue UI component library offers useful and beautiful components. It is easy to create new projects in a visual way using iView Cli. Also, the iView admin template can help to create dashboards with ready-to use components and features, like login/logout page, breadcrumbs and tab navigation, form and table elements, lock screen, message center and so on. It’s UI component library with regular updates and great community support.

2. Fish UI-

FishUI is used for designing front-end web apps. It has compatibility with modern browser environments and serves ES2015 and Webpack 2.0. There is very less documentation available for Fish UI. However the community of this library is enough active to fix all issues. Fish UI offers many components including semantic CSS elements like Checkbox, Buttons, radio, Tag, BackTops, Dropdowns, Menu, Tables, Pagination, Card and so on.

3. PrimeVUE-

It is recognized as one of the top Vue UI component libraries. And its components includes password forms with sliders, meters, graphs, trees,charts, knobs, split buttons and so on. It can be integrated with Vuelidate- form validation library. Prime VUE library moves with previously-made themes and provides access to full-fledged visual editor which helps developers tailor their own.  With Vue 3, PrimeVUE is growing well. It provides developers the capacity of combining a well-designed library and strength of Vue 3.

4. Chakra UI-

It is a simple to access, open-source and easy modular component library that provides tools to rapidly create Vue apps. Each component of Chakra UI is themeable, available and composable. It supports responsive styles unusually and is compatible with dark mode. This library also has some layout components like CStack and CBox which make it simple for styling your UI components with properties. Also, it enables auto-import of components with a Webpack plugin solution.

5. Vuesax-

This framework makes a project’s front-end programming consistent and smooth. It offers many accessible components that you can use as per your requirements. The complete front-end and independent styling of components eases the way of app to stand out in the market. Vuesax helps in brand promotion too. It is made by using Javascript, Vue.js, Babel, TypeScript, SASS and other frameworks.

6. Quasar-

It is a front end framework based on Vue. One can use it for responsive web and mobile applications. It is a full-fledged framework that supports features like minification, caching and components for your framework. Quasar is the most extensive of all the Vue UI component libraries mentioned here. It has detailed documentation and robust, end to end implementation.

7. Keen UI-

It is inspired by Google’s Material Design and has easy to use API. This UI component library focuses on interactivity through Javascript instead of visual components. It does not reiterate the need to be used across your app and has some useful components that can be strategically placed wherever necessary. So, Keen UI is a good choice when adding iterative features to existing apps. 

8. Mint UI-

It is a lightweight Vue UI component library based on Babel Javascript compiler. Because if small size it is suitable to use in mobile apps. Mint UI provides an iOS like theme for your app components. It has more than 15k stars on GitHub. Still the development on the framework is going with new commits to the master branch in January. 

9. VuePress-

It is a vue based static site generator. This vue framework uses webpack to create pre-rendered static HTML pages that makes processing faster. The use of VuePress opens up many possibilities for project- like automating documentation process. Also it is very simple to integrate into existing app. But the documentation does not focus on SEO topic yet.

10. Eagle.js-

It is a framework in Vue that allows developers to create a slideshow within a web app. There are lots of themes, animations, widgets and styles to choose and customize in Eagle.js. Regardless of various examples on the demo site, documentation is still minimal. Alternative to Eagle.js is Reveal.js which is a standalone Javascript framework for web slideshows. But, Eagle.js overcomes the biggest issue with Reveal.js that is slideshow structure rigidity.

You can also know the best practices for Vue development at- Top 11 Best Practices For Vue.js Development

 Article keywords:
vue, vue js, software


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