Most of you have tried your best to know about the basic techniques to implement search engine optimization.(SEO) Let us today focus on the basics of SEO.
1. Title Tag � Use a proper title tag. Choose the most important keywords of your page and try to include the keywords that are repeated in the contents of page. Title tag is the first thing which a search engine crawler will see. The keywords in the title tag will be visible in the title bar of the web browser.
2. Keywords � Give emphasis to the keywords of your pages. Include the keywords in the title tag and the heading tag.. Always be careful regarding the keyword density of your page. It should not exceed more than 5%.for eg; If there are 100 words in the content of your page, than a keyword should not appear more than 5 times. There are plenty of tools provided on the internet to check the keyword density of your page.
3. Design your site for visitors and search engines:- Make use of ALT tags in your images. Take the help of the tools provided on the net to design your site. Avoid the use of frames, flash, and JavaScript and also avoid unnecessary html coding. Always take the views of your friends about your site. Ask them if they would visit again to your site. What more can be added to make visitor friendly.
4. Change your content regularly:- Search engines like the site that change their content regularly and maintain a unique content. Make sure that your site maintains a unique content which, is not found on other sites.
5. Backlinks: - When a site links back to yours, it is known as backlink. Which plays a important role in Search engine algorithm. Include your keywords in the text of the links, so that it carries weight when a search engine crawls it. Backlinks from good PR (page rank) page will carry PR to your page.
For getting back links, following methods have been using in Search Engine Optimization.
Directory Submission Link from relevant sites (also known as reciprocal link) Forums Discussions/ Signature Blog Submission Social Book Marking
A search engine optimizer(seo) should always be eager to search and learn the new ideas that come up in the search engine optimization field. ( ) a search engine optimization and seo consultants company. It offers search engine optimization service, internet marketing solutions, web marketing strategies for achieving high search engine rankings. For more information visit Article keywords: