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Upgradeable Surround Sound

There are many great and not so great surround sound and home theater systems on the market today. With so many from which to choose how on earth do you know what to look for in order to get your money's worth? The answer to that just might be easier than you have imagined. The thing to remember when it comes to technology is that it is constantly ...

The AV Receiver

The surround sound receiver is an important piece of equipment that is more commonly referred to as the AV receiver. AV in this particular instance refers to audio and video. In other words, the receiver receives all this information and then plays traffic cop directing it where it should go. If you purchase an all in one sort of AV receiver you wi...

Surround Sound for the Little Ones

If you have a family that loves movies and music the best gift you can give yourself is a second home theater for the little ones. Seriously, how many times has the Sunday game interfered with or been interrupted to the little one's needs to watch Disney's latest and greatest flick? I know these meltdowns occur far too regularly in my household. Th...

Surround Sound Possibilities

In case you are wondering why so many people make the investment in surround sound equipment, systems, and speakers there are many reasons for many different people. When it comes to surround sound, just as with many other things in life there is no one size fits all answer though for the most part the answer wouldn't be because Mr. Jones has one (...

Speaker Quality Speaks Volumes

There are many pieces, parts, and components to a home theater system. One of the most important when it comes to achieving the overall 'movie going' experience is surround sound. While there are many pieces of equipment for the average home theater that can be purchased over time, surround sound is typically one component that needs to be purchase...

Playing the Name Game

When it comes to speakers for your surround sound system there happen to be all kinds of models, makes, and brands on the market. You will find vast variations in quality and price among the multitudes. With so many from which to choose it is often difficult to know which brands are reputable, which represent good quality, and which are merely trea...

Pieces Parts Components and Sound

If you are in the market for a surround sound system I'm sure you are trying to learn as much as possible about options before you reach the buying stage. One thing to keep in mind is that there are many options and most of them will come down to a matter of taste when all is said and done. There is no right or wrong component or process when it co...

Excellent Example of Electronic Evolution

No one had a clue during the early days of television the incredible impact that this device would have over people and their daily lives nearly a century later. I can hardly believe the difference between the television offerings of my childhood and the vast number of quality shows, channels, and information that is available by simply turning on ...

Cables Wires and Chords Galore

One thing that often gets overlooked during the process of purchasing pieces, parts, and components for your surround sound system is the importance of cables to the overall sound of your system. It makes absolutely no idea to buy top of the line speakers and excellent quality components only to use substandard el cheapo cables with which to connec...

Reiki to treat arthritis

The word �Reiki� is composed of two Japanese words. Rei means Universal spirit and Ki means Life energy. The Japanese physician Mikao Usui revived the process of using the universal life energy for human benefit. It is claimed that it is 2500 years old. Hawayo Tokata initiated it to the West in the 1930s. It is believed that all the universal life ...

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