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Good posture

Correct posture is simple but very important way to keep the many complex structures in the back and spine healthy. It is much more than cosmetic, good posture and back support are dangerous to reducing the incidence and levels of back pain and neck pain. Back support is especially important for patients who spend many hours sitting in an office ch...

Functional Footwear

Many people around the world are suffering from a very common problem of joint pain. There are some people who are severely affected by this problem. Now there are many reasons that cause this problem. Even wearing improper footwear also affects your joints and may cause arthritis. Arthritis is actually a group of conditions that damages or causes ...

Exercise for arthritis

If you are in good health then you would never get caught with any health conditions. Exercise is a vital part for arthritis. Exercise and arthritis go hand in hand. Earlier it was thought that exercising causes damage to our joints, if performed while having arthritis. It is proved that exercise is an essential tool for coming over arthritis. If y...

Emu oil for arthritis

Aborigines have been using Emu oil to overcome pain due to inflammation of joints for a long time. In a survey it was noticed that arthritis was absent in Aboriginal tribes while 10% of modern Australians had it. Dr. Peter Ghosh is mainly responsible to convert Emu oil from a folk cure to a medical wonder.

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Drink plenty water

Accurate diagnosis and effective treatment of the causes of any illness is very much essential in order to ensure a sufferer’s full recovery. The conformist arthritis treatments generally compromises by relieving physical symptoms, which are the secondary to a primary cause. Arthritis is the health condition that can be cured by undergoing certain ...

Dietary Supplements-Change the way you eat

Arthritis is a joint problem. Normally the disorder leads to pain and inflammation in the joints of the bones. There are various approaches that can help one to get rid of the painful arthritis. However, dietary supplements are the ideal approach towards the problem. Dietary supplements provide internal strength and protection to the body and bones...

Copper bracelet

Copper assists in the formation of red blood cells and keeps bones healthy, thereby avoiding arthritis. Humans contain 75-150 mg copper and require 3 mg copper per day and it is not achieved with modern diet. Copper is essential for the production and generation of the cartilage between the bone surfaces. So, the use of copper bracelets is advocate...

Consumption of green tea

Arthritis is one of the most enveloping diseases and is the leading cause of the disability. It is estimated by the researchers that one out of three has arthritis. Arthritis is a chronic disease that lasts for a long time and there is a possibility for it to remain for the rest of your life. The treatments will probably change the over time and th...

Combat stiffness � Make bones supple to fight arthritis

Arthritis refers to disorder of bones. Arthritis mainly leads to pain and inflammation in joints of the bones. Further the disorder also damages the joints and leads to stiffness of joints. The stiffness often leads to a faulty body postures. To curb the arthritis problem it is very important to prevent stiffness of bones. The best way to combat st...

Climbing Stairs - Alternative approach to curb the arthritis problem

Illness of arthritis is associated with joints and bones. The ailment causes pain and swelling in the joints of the bones. Further it also leads to inflammation and stiffness of the joints. The stiffness other joints can lead to serious consequences such as a faulty posture. Several medicines and treatments have developed to cure this painful disor...

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