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Safety Precautions When on the ATV Trail

Whether you are a veteran of the ATV trail or a novice rider itching to explore the great outdoors on your four-wheeler, you need to bring with you more than a little good sense and safety precautions. Without a significant amount of awareness when it comes to protecting yourself and your ATV, you could wind up injured, lost, or otherwise in bad sh...

Off Roading Off the Strip

What do you think of when you hear “Las Vegas”? Slot machines, casinos, showgirls, money, glitz, spectacular shows and some of the best buffets in the States, right? What very few people realize is that southern Nevada has some of the best outdoor activities in the south western United States. Lake Meade National Park not only offers a great tour o...

How to Conquer the Mud with Your ATV

Although certain kinds of ATVs are setup for pushing through deep mud, the technique for getting to the other side remains the same. When crossing obstacles like mud, the biggest risk is getting stuck, which means coming to a stop. Because of this, speed is your friend, although you can hit a mud hole too quickly. However, hitting the mud with spee...

An ATV Trail Date

 The ATV trail is a place for dirt, mud, gravel and romance?

Today’s ladies are hardly the proper models of the Victorian Era; in fact, there are plenty of gals out there just itching to ride their four-wheelers with as much gusto as their male counterparts. So if you’re a dude who’s scratching his head for the perfect place to woo your...

ATV Safety Issues

Since their introduction to the public four decades ago, All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) have become increasingly popular. They are very appealing to riders because of the amount of danger one feels while riding. This danger, however, should not be taken lightly. ATVs carry with them a number of safety issues which every rider ought to be concerne...

Antenna Parameters

The antennas are the starting point of the broadcasting system. Antennas form the basic device for the working of radios and televisions. They are also used in areas like radar and space communication, under water operations and even for under ground tasks. However, it is necessary to check the functionality of the antennas on the basis of certain ...

Wireless home

Wireless homes refers that it contains wireless devices which operates from the fixed location. The electrical power derived by the wireless devices from the main utility. It does not use the power of battery that is being used by the devices like mobile. The wireless homes use the wireless devices. These devices use the electromagnetic waves inste...

WiFi and antenna

The wireless enthusiasts have been again purposing satellite dishes for a couple years now. A dish that big is regularly overkill for most people and current mini-dishes work just as well. The dish helps spotlight the radio waves onto a directional antenna feed. The building of biquad antenna feeds because it offers very good performance and is pre...

Vehicle based satellite antenna

The very new satellite antenna, approved by Satellite Radio has been specially designed to receive signals from three satellites and other network of ground-based repeater transmitter. Satellite antennas are exceptionally sensitive and delicately specified to assist reception of satellite signals under a variety of conditions across the cou...

Uses of antenna

Antennas are electronic devices used to transmit and receive radio signals. Antenna is an arrangement of aerial electrical conductors. Heinrich hertz discovered antennas in 1888. For the first time he used the antennas to prove the existence of electromagnetic waves. The antennas convert radio frequency electrical current into an electromagnetic wa...

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