Antenna is an electronic device. Basically it is an aerial electronic conductor. Heinrich Hertz discovered an antenna in 1886. The antennas convert the radio frequency electric current into an electromagnetic wave. Antennas are used in radio and television broadcasting. They also have an application in communication systems, radar and space explora...
Dipole antenna is nothing but an antenna with two poles. It is the simplest type of antenna. A dipole antenna is an aerial half a wavelength long. It is an electrical device that is used to send or receive radio or television signals. It consists of two rods connected to a transmission line at the center. It has maximum radiations at right...
The transmission of TV programs to the home and office is via coaxial cable. Since they were already wired into so many homes, cable TV companies have had great success selling Internet access. Unlike the other cable service, Internet via cable does not have distance limitations. Cable television or community antenna television is a system of provi...
The satellite radio antenna is a basic hardware component. Three components are required to receive the signals from the preferred radio service provider. It is the fact that all the providers offer the same services and technologies even the hardware used are also the same. Antenna is used to transmit the signals from the satellites, which will pr...
Choose the right TV antenna can be a business of the frustration. However, if someone prefers to receive TV through an antenna, rather a subscription of the satellite or of the cable, there are pairs of the equipment that will make life easier. One must choose a roof or a mounted antenna TV attic. This will give the best occasion to choose upon a g...
Antennas are the electronic devices that are used to transmit and receive radio signals. These are electrical conductors for radio waves. Heinrich hertz discovered antennas in 1888. He discovered the antennas to prove the existence of electromagnetic waves. They convert radio frequency electrical current to electromagnetic waves and vice versa. The...
The function of antennas at base stations of cellular radio systems has been proven to be a successful way to increase the performance and the channel ability of personal communication systems. In compare to those technically highly developed base station antennas, the exterior and the practical principle of car antennas with omni directional patte...
A cell phone is an electronic device that is portable for talking over long distances. Cell phone connects to the cellular network of the site of cell which is further connected to the telephone network of public. Mobile phone offers many services other then acting as a phone. It offer the services like SMS, access to internet and also the MMS faci...
Being able to talk on a handheld gadget without wires crossways the world is really a great achievement in technology. Few people stop and imagine about this minor miracle. However, when someone stuck somewhere unable to make a call because of a poor cell signal, the appreciation for this technology can be tested. Regrettably, cellular service prov...
Basically a cable is two or more wires bound together typically in a common jacket. Cable TV is a system of providing television network to the consumers. This is done through radio signals transmitted to the televisions through fixed optical fibers. Cable TV can be abbreviated as CATV. Initially it was known as Community Antenna Television origina...