This question is asked by people that are new to web hosting and web design every day. This question is the single most important decision you will make when looking to purchase web hosting. Unix (and Linux variants) and Windows are the two main operating systems powering web servers today, and each operating systems has its own unique features,...
A Personal Review of the Tempur Pedic Mattress
My wife and I bought a Tempur Pedic mattress back in the early days when most people hadn't heard of memory foam mattresses. We've slept on it for some years now and, I feel, I can hive an honest opinion of the Tempur Pedic mattress and or memory foam mattresses in general.
We live in an old period house and for many years we slept in an...
All About Suzuki Motorcycles
Suzuki Motor Company was founded by Michio Suzuki. He had a very successful looming business when he decided to invest in the concept of motorcycle manufacturing in 1920. Suzuki didn’t take the motorcycle world by storm, in stead it was a slow and steady rise to success. There were a variety of motorcycle models that had moderate success. People be...
What to Look for in a Motorcycle Safety Course
Taking a motorcycle safety course is a very responsible action, especially if you are new to the concept of riding one. You will learn valuable information about how to properly operate your motorcycle. You will also learn about preventative issues so that you are less likely to be involved in an accident. Most insurance companies will also offer y...
Loving the Ling: A Tribute to the Ugliest Fish in the Sea
The ling or “eelpout” is without a doubt a disgusting, repulsive, annoying, slimy, smelly and unattractive fish in the sea. Despite these negative qualities, it has a delicious lobster-like taste and boasts its own annual festival near Walker, Minnesota. Why? The eelpout may be ugly, but its redeeming qualities far outweigh any appearance deficienc...
The Only Way To Get Rich In The Music Industry