Free hosting is the most basic type of web hosting. Free hosting is generally supported by advertisements, and only offers limited features. This is the best type of hosting for those that are starting out and only need hosting for a small personal site that will require little bandwidth.
Free web hosts will no...
What Is DNS Propagation and Why You Have to Wait 72 Hours
So you have found your domain name, registered that new domain name, and paid for hosting to store all your sites pages ready to be served to your site's visitors. What comes next?
Well we need to point that domain name to the server at your hosting provider where your web site is stored. Firstly DNS stands for Domain Name Server. The wo...
Pros and Cons of Free Web Hosting
Beginners to the online world will be enthusiastic to hear that there are free web hosting providers available to them. These beginners then rate and compare those free web hosting providers. Typically they will choose the provider offering the largest quantity of disk space and bandwidth. To many people, one would think that free web hosting pr...
Free Cell Phone Number Search
Cell phone numbers are generally not listed in telephone directories for reasons of maintaining confidentiality. In fact the very reason people go in for cell phones is because it offers them privacy. With a cell phone you can virtually choose people whose calls you would like to receive. No longer need you worry about being hassled by unwanted ...
In-Vehicle Cell Phone Use - Assessing Accident Risk