You have already taken the time to choose the right ATV for you or a family member. You did your research, maybe test drove a few to make sure the vehicle had the right “fit” and found one that matched both your budget and your personal sense of style. Your shopping isn’t over yet. Along with having the right ATV for either the trails or working ou...
For whatever reason, the ATV bug has bitten you. You’ve seen them on television or maybe you have a couple of friends that already go riding on the trails. Day in and day out, in all kinds of weather and in every season, people are enjoying recreational ATV trail riding. But when you’re new to this activity, where to begin? What needs considerat...
Not all of us can afford a brand new 2007 ATV with all the bells and whistles. As with cars or motorcycles or any large vehicle for recreation or pleasure, we sometimes have to start out with buying second hand. Of course there’s nothing wrong with purchasing a used car, bike or ATV. If you are going to buy used, you have to know what to look for, ...
The ATV trail is a place for dirt, mud, gravel and romance?
Today’s ladies are hardly the proper models of the Victorian Era; in fact, there are plenty of gals out there just itching to ride their four-wheelers with as much gusto as their male counterparts. So if you’re a dude who’s scratching his head for the perfect place to woo your...
Since their introduction to the public several decades ago, ATVs have become increasingly popular. They are very appealing to riders because of the amount of excitement one feels as they are riding. People are now discovering that the whole family can enjoy the excitement of the ATV. On the negative side, though, people are often injured while ATVi...
ATV trail riding is a fun and exciting sport that can provide hours of entertainment for the whole family. There is nothing like a good day on the trails, out in the sun and wind, to bring the family together or to meet up with friends or to make new ones. But ATV trail riding isn’t all fun and games; there is a large degree of safety precautions i...
Since their introduction to the public several decades ago, ATVs have become increasingly popular. They are very appealing to riders because of the amount of the excitement one feels as they are riding. People are now discovering that the whole family can enjoy the excitement of the ATV. On the negative side, though, more people are injured while&n...
The wireless enthusiasts have been again purposing satellite dishes for a couple years now. A dish that big is regularly overkill for most people and current mini-dishes work just as well. The dish helps spotlight the radio waves onto a directional antenna feed. The building of biquad antenna feeds because it offers very good performance and is pre...
Amplifier is an electronic device using transistors or electron tubes. This is used to produce and amplification of an electrical signal. It also increases and restores the strength of the signals passing through it. It involves the controlled conduction of electrons especially in a gas or vacuum or semiconductor. An amplifier uses a small amount o...
Antennas are the transmission devices used to transmit audio and visual frequencies in the form of electromagnetic waves. The maximum use of antennas is in radios with special antennas available for satellite radio reception. The antennas are designed according to purpose and accordingly there are exclusive home antennas designed for satellite radi...