His first visit to the continent was in 1933 with his second wife, Pauline. Together they visited both Kenya and Tanzania. During this time, and even before he went on his first African hunt, Hemingway became sick with dysentery. For several weeks, he was laid up in a hospital in Nairobi, where he met other adventure-seeking men from America and Eu...
Due to the sheer number of bows available on the market, you should try as many bows as possible. You want to find a bow that feels good in your hands. You also want a bow that is the proper size for your body type. Finally, you want to purchase a bow that will match your shooting style. These factors will affect your level of accuracy and comfort ...
There are many types of stands and most are safe to use. Some of these include ladder-type stands, climbing stands, and lock-on stands. You can also nail boards to a tree. No matter what type of stand you are using, know that accidents can happen. If a stand seems unsafe to you, do not use it. If you are thinking about using a new tree stand and yo...
There are many reasons that a hunter would get seriously injured, but the leading cause is improper gun handling. Unfortunately, too many hunters ignore vital safety precautions when hunting and do not take good care of their weapon. Hunting injuries or fatalities are becoming all too common in the world of hunting and many people do not seem too c...
Hunting can provide opportunities for many types of injuries. Being prepared is your best defense against disabling injuries or even life-threatening accidents. Knowing some basic first aid and using common sense when in the wild can save both life and limb.
If you don’t know CPR, learn it. Call your local hospital, EMS, or fire d...
There are a number of people that probably do not realize how many places from which they are able to get free streaming video clips from around their home. For many people, this may be a result of not knowing what the term streaming means. Most people are aware that the term video refers to the pictures and images, sometimes moving and other times...
There are a number of different types of streaming video players. In order to determine the best streaming video players, we would need to look at the different qualities and characteristics of each of the video players. In many cases, individuals may not realize that streaming video does not just exist on the internet. To be honest, a lot of us ha...
One may have noticed that recently it became very popular for individuals to post streaming videos on their blogs or online journals. Some people may have asked themselves why streaming video on blogs is popular, and the answer to this can be fairly in depth. First of all, the purpose of a blog is to share information with one’s self or others. Mos...
There are a number of people that have cell phones. Over the last 20 years, these phones have helped to enable many people to conveniently and effectively stay in contact with other individuals. This is especially handy when the individual is going away and will not be at a landline phone in order to receive phone calls. Instead, individuals can ea...