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Omni directional antenna

The omni directional antenna is an antenna system that radiates power uniformly in all directions. The only 3 dimensional omni directional antenna is the isotropic antenna, a hypothetical construct derived from actual antenna radiation patterns and used as a suggestion for specifying antenna gain and radio system effective radiated power. Practical...

Medium multi directional antenna

An antenna that is able to receive signals from many directions is called a multi directional antenna. There are many size and shapes of multi directional antennas. They have different features. There are mainly two types of multi directional antennas, one being the indoor antenna and the other being the outdoor antenna. The indoor antennas can be ...

Installing a television antenna

Television antenna signals are strongest and reception is generally the best when the station's transmitting tower is in clear line of vision with the home receiving the broadcast. Mountains, buildings or trees that block this line of sight tend to weaken and degrade the received signal. The signal also becomes weaker as it travels further from the...

How to build a wireless network

One can build wireless home network, a wireless LAN by using simple three-step approach like identify the WLAN design that is best for the situation. Choose good wireless gear and install gear and test the configured WLAN. Though prices have dropped severely from a few years ago when wireless gear was quite expensive.
Benefits of Wireless:

Home antenna systems

Antennas are the electronic devices used to transmit and receive radio signals. They are the important and essential component for a home. The antennas are responsible for providing good and proper signals. There are many types of home antenna systems are available.

1. Normal antennas:

These are the antennas usually used to receive ra...

Choosing right direction for antenna

Antennas are the electronic devices that are used to transmit and receive radio signals. These are electrical conductors for radio waves. Heinrich hertz discovered antennas in 1888. He discovered the antennas to prove the existence of electromagnetic waves. They convert radio frequency electrical current to electromagnetic waves and vice versa. The...

Cell phone antenna

Being able to talk on a handheld gadget without wires crossways the world is really a great achievement in technology. Few people stop and imagine about this minor miracle. However, when someone stuck somewhere unable to make a call because of a poor cell signal, the appreciation for this technology can be tested. Regrettably, cellular service prov...

Antenna array

The elements of the antenna array means the collection of all the similar radiation and elements related to the antenna, where the counting of the elements starts from 1 till N number. The similarity of the elements is judged on the basis of the same frequency, which means to derive voltage of each element one has fixed amplitude and phase angle. T...

Push ups

Push ups also known as press ups is one of the most common form of free hand exercises. It is basically a strength training exercise that is performed in a prone position, where the performer while lying in the horizontal and face down, raising and lowering the body using the arms. Push ups are very effective in developing the pectoral muscles and ...

Pull ups

While watching television the viewer is in a very light and relaxed mood. He is totally removed from the situation around him and absolutely engrossed with the scenes on the television. During this time if he works out some pull-ups then it would be very useful for him. Consequently, he would be attaining dual benefit of entertainment and exercise ...

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