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The Chocolatey World Of Belgian Seashell Chocolates

Believe it or not chocolates are good for your health. There have been studies that were conducted by major research institutes that people who constantly eat chocolates have a longer life span than those who don’t usually eat them. Chocolates are also filled with antioxidants that fights off cancer, cardiovascular diseases, thwarts off strokes, an...

ATV History

The ATVs (all terrain vehicles) we know today had very humble beginnings in the mountainous farming regions of Japan. The muddy mountain roads became difficult for the farmers to travel during spring thaws and were almost impossible to drive over with conventional vehicles or big machinery. The Japanese, always a culture to modify and tinker with s...

Tips for Taking Jumps and Sharp Turns on Your ATV

You may notice that some ATV riders can make certain obstacles and jumps look like child’s play while others make them look dangerous and impassable. Although superior equipment may be partially responsible, experience and familiarity with your quad is what separates the men from the boys. Riding time is the best way to get better, but there are a ...

The Great Debate: Two Stroke vs. Four

The battle for supremacy between two stroke and four stroke quads is likely to rage on forever, except for outside factors that may end this age old debate; it is very likely that upcoming legislation could end production of two stroke engines, making it impossible to get a new two stroke quad. So if you’ve ever considered getting a two stroke quad...

Off Roading Off the Strip

What do you think of when you hear “Las Vegas”? Slot machines, casinos, showgirls, money, glitz, spectacular shows and some of the best buffets in the States, right? What very few people realize is that southern Nevada has some of the best outdoor activities in the south western United States. Lake Meade National Park not only offers a great tour o...

Nutritional Snacks for the ATV Trail

Could what you put in the ATV operator really make a difference on the ATV trail? Absolutely; after all, you wouldn’t fill up your four-wheeler’s tank with maple syrup and potato chips. Filling up your own “tank” with garbage is just as likely to result in a negative outcome such as fatigue, gastrointestinal upset or distracting hunger pangs early ...

How to Conquer the Mud with Your ATV

Although certain kinds of ATVs are setup for pushing through deep mud, the technique for getting to the other side remains the same. When crossing obstacles like mud, the biggest risk is getting stuck, which means coming to a stop. Because of this, speed is your friend, although you can hit a mud hole too quickly. However, hitting the mud with spee...

Choices to Make for Your First ATV

For whatever reason, the ATV bug has bitten you. You’ve seen them on television or maybe you have a couple of friends that already go riding on the trails. Day in and day out, in all kinds of weather and in every season, people are enjoying recreational ATV trail riding.
But when you’re new to this activity, where to begin? What needs considerat...

TV antenna amplifiers

Amplifier is an electronic device using transistors or electron tubes. This is used to produce and amplification of an electrical signal. It also increases and restores the strength of the signals passing through it. It involves the controlled conduction of electrons especially in a gas or vacuum or semiconductor. An amplifier uses a small amount o...

Travel tips to European Countries: Bulgaria

 About the county

Officially known as the Republic of Bulgaria or Bulgarian Republic, Bulgaria is a beautiful mountainous country lying in Balkan Peninsula in Southern Europe bordering the Black Sea to the east, Serbia and the Republic of Macedonia to the west, Romania to the north, Greece and Turkey to the south. Bulgaria also borders ...

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