With the rising prices of commodities, it is not surprising that people are looking for other ways to earn money. Extra work is no longer an exception but a rule especially in cities where the cost of living can be really high. Now, people hold two or three jobs just to make both ends. And this is not just a trend for students but also for people who have established careers. Nowadays, everyone is doing a sideline for that extra income.
With the costs of living going on the upside and regular pay no longer enough to make both ends meet, it is no wonder that people look for other means of paying for the day to day expenses. One of the alternative that people turn to when they need extra cash is freelancing.
For some people, going freelance is the best way to start up a new career. And why not? By becoming a freelancer, you don’t have only one boss, you don’t have restricted working hours and schedule, and you won't even have dress up and go to the office because you can earn money by working inside the confines of your own abode.