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Lat Pulley

Lat pulley is a gym equipment that is used basically for high and low pulley exercises. Often the lat pulleys are also known by the name of lat pull down which is actually the name of the exercise that is done with lat pulley. This exercise is a proven way and an excellent exercise for working out the muscles of the back specifically. However many ...

Hamstring exercises

Hamstring actually refers to one of the tendons that form the border of the space behind the knee from the human anatomical point of view. According to the latest anatomical contexts they are usually refer to the tendons of the semi tendinsus. In the humans the hamstrings occupy the posterior part of the body of the femur. They appearance of the ha...

Exercising with the jumping jack

 About jumping jack exercise:

Jumping jack is a basic form of exercising method that helps in keeping the body in proper fitness. Jumping Jack is also popular by the name of side straddle. The physical exercise is performed by jumping to a position with the legs spread and the hands touching overhead and then returning to their original...

Exercise with ball

It is quite feasible and profitable to exercise with ball while watching television. It serves a dual purpose. The person gets the benefits of exercise and entertainment at the same time. So, this practice is a very recommended one.

Uses and frequency of exercise

The exercise ball is an effective apparatus to strengthen the abdomen. I...


Crunches are the best way to reduce fat from abdomen. This type of exercise can be done at home while watching the favourite opera and enjoying the workout. One may not know this but many people do not use good form when doing an abdomen crunch. Not only can this cause back problems, it will also make the abdomen workout less effective. Learn to do...

Cleaning the home

Cleaning of house is necessary from health point of view. Dirty house can cause many health related problems and the family members cannot get peace of mind in a dirty house. Cleaning of house is a time consuming and tiring process. One can never feel free from the household cleaning as one need to clean the house on regular basis. Cleaning house i...

Chest exercise

There are many types of chest exercises to use in the chest workout. Each of the chest exercises must be performed with proper form. It not only avoid injury but to also allow the muscle to go through a full range of motion and get the most out of the exercise while watching television.
Types of chest exercise:
Flat bench press exercise ca...

Arm exercises

While watching television the viewer is in a very relaxed mood and is absolutely entertained by the scenes. He can improve the utility of the time spent in watching television by performing some arm exercises. By this method, he can achieve dual gains of entertainment and body fitness simultaneously.

Removal of Flab

The first step in ...

Golf Fitness: Pregame Stretches

Face it…You may be the greatest golfer of all of your friends. You may be able to make shots that seem almost impossible, or be able to putt balls into just about any hole. But one day recently, when you leaned over to pick up a golf ball, your back cracked and pulled out.  What are you supposed to do for your golf game now?

Log Home Decorating

Log home decorating is perhaps on of the more fun decorating projects. Using a cottage theme, log home decorating provides you an opportunity to draw from nature and implement some of your favourite objects. If you are a person who spends a lot of time at your cottage or log home, no doubt you’ve started a collection of treasures to display. Family...

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