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If there is normal, rainfall occurring then there will not be enough of moisture in the soil, which is very much necessary. The grass that is growing instead of going green goes brown on the contrary. To ensure you with high quality of lawn then proper watering is needed. If the footprints remain while you are walking around the lawn or a little ch...

Use garden Shredders

Generally a shredder is a machinery device that is used in tearing objects into smaller pieces. The most common types of shredders are the paper shredders and the garden waste shredders. Common applications of the garden waste shredders are found in garbage disposal. There are also shredders that are specifically designed and made for the shredding...

Use Herbicides

Weeds spoil the beauty of a lawn. Herbicides are used to kill weeds eg. Crabgrass, bentgrass, dandelion, bigweed etc. Herbicides should be applied during early spring or fall. Dry atmosphere is necessary for optimum use. Application during hot weather, rainy climate or strong winds must be avoided. Whenever possible spot treatment must be done. Irr...

Use Fertilizers

Plants utilize the nutrients in the soil through their roots and the balance in the soil diminishes. So we use fertilizers to revive the soil. Dearth of Nitrogen, Potassium and Phosphorus causes sluggish growth and lawn thinning. Excess results in increased leaves and roots and vulnerability to natural stresses. Hence an optimum quantum is desirabl...

Selection of grass species

Grasses are classified as cool-season and warm-season grasses. The former have active growth in fall and spring (particularly when soil temperature is between 50-65 degrees F and air temperature between 60-75 degrees F) and are dormant in summer. The latter can stand high temperature and drought circumstances. Good growth occurs when soil temperatu...

Renovating lawn in time

Renovation of lawn involves killing existing turf and replacing it with new grass without tilling or changing the grade that is normally done during the organizing a new lawn. The reason to renovate lawn when disease or insects frequently attack the species or variety has caused the lawn to thin out, the landscape has become increasingly shady over...

Removing weeds

There are several things one can do to get rid of weeds and give lawn a facelift. If the lawn contains less than 50% weeds, as a substitute consider trying to create better conditions for grass to grow. Improving the lawn in the fall and spring will work with the natural growth cycle of grass and take advantage of seasonal rains. Weeds have been pl...

Proper use of fertilizers

Using lawn fertilizer is essential if someone wants to create the kind of a healthy, green lawn that is the envy for the neighborhood. In order to develop turf that is more competitive against disease, insects and weeds, just incorporate a balance of especially formulated nutrients and slow-release lawn fertilizers into the lawn maintenance program...

Proper cultivation

Undoubtedly many Americans have a love affair with the green lawns. It has been seen that even in the dry and arid climates of Arizona and Southern California the gardeners struggle against nature to preserve a perfectly green carpet. In fact the effort is worth enough since a green background provided by lawns can add to the beauty of any landscap...

Periodical cutting

There are several reasons not to cut grass too short. Grass grows from the crown, not the blade tips. This feature makes grass ideal for lawns because they keep on growing despite the regular mowing off of their upper stem, leaf cover and blades. So it important not to damage grass crowns by unplanned scalping with the mower. By keeping grass on th...

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