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A guide to an enjoyable Alaska cruise tour

Basically, an Alaska cruise tour refers to the combination of an Alaska cruise vacation and an Alaska land vacation. Usually, this cruise tour ranges from 3 to 18 days to give the "cruiser" an opportunity to experience both the coastal and interior areas of Alaska, America's last frontier.

An Alaska cruise tour will give you an oppor...

A brand new view of the world through an Alaska princess tour

Being an ultimate wilderness destination for its unspoiled natural beauty, Alaska is considered as one of the few places on Earth where one can truly breathe, feel, and see the beauty of nature. For those who are up for nature tripping, adventure, and rediscovery, an Alaska cruise tour can change a person's life forever.

If you are l...

West Nile Virus and What Can We Do About It

West Nile virus is an emerging infectious disease that made its first appearance in the United States in 1999. The microbe that causes the infection belongs to a group of disease-causing viruses known as flaviviruses, which are usually spread by ticks or mosquitoes.

People who contract West Nile virus usually experience only mild symptom...

Travel Health: Useful medical information for good health before your departure, during your trip and after your return.

The diseases most commonly seen in travellers are diarrhoea, malaria (if you travel in a malaria-infested area), accidents (when travelling by car or swimming), wound infections and sexually transmitted diseases.

- Diarrhoea is caused by contaminated food and drinking-water. You must therefore be careful if your are travelling in poor hygie...

Have a Mosquito Free Vacation

Your wardrobe is planned, suitcases are ready, and your flight leaves tomorrow for your next vacation.

Have you remembered everything?

Not if you haven't packed mosquito repellant.

No matter where you are going, mosquitoes are there! They are found on every continent, except Antarctica.

In many tropical places, they a...

Staying Mosquito Free While Traveling

The last thing that any traveler needs is to be plagued by mosquitoes throughout their journey. Just as there are sure-fire ways to reduce the incidence of these pests in the home environment, definite steps can be taken to stave them off when you're away from the home front. This is especially important in a society that's been afflicted by the va...

Tips for building self-esteem

Self-esteem is a personality ingredient that one has to have and if possible in great amounts. That is not to say that a person need to be extremely sure of oneself to the point of arrogance; they just need enough amounts to be able to withstand the pressures of life and lead a contented existence.
It wouldn’t make much difference if self-esteem...

Some tips for building a Child�s Self Est

Parents are very powerful figures in the life of any child. First of all, they are responsible for conceiving the child and for bringing that child into this world so everything that comes after there will still be held somewhat responsible. The mother best of all has a special emotional connection with her children while fathers are mostly the one...

Some Self Esteem Building Exercises

There are simply times when we feel so bad about ourselves. It can be caused by a lot of things. Heartbreak is one of the most common reasons for low self esteem and is often the case for people who lost their self to their relationship. For the people who are in love with their career, a demotion can kill their self esteem. Workaholics who...

Self Esteem Determines Who We Are

We may not realize it, but self-esteem is a great determinant of whether or not we will be a success in life or not. Why? Because self-esteem, or the way we view ourselves, including ours skills and our talents, affect our thoughts. And these thoughts turn into actions.

Taking actions are very important. Actions are the ones who move us clos...

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