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Massage therapy

Arthritis, in its virulent form, can be an incapacitating disease. Even in its mild and moderate forms, arthritis can be physically devastating. Whatever its stage, arthritis can be effectively tackled with massage therapy. The best aspect of massage therapy is that an arthritis sufferer can use basic massage techniques on himself or herself. Massa...

Keep the heart healthy

The interesting truth is that what an arthritis sufferer does to improve heart health also has a positive impact on alleviating arthritis. Many of the exercise regimens and food requirements that deliver a healthier heart profile invariably assuage arthritis problems. An arthritis sufferer is always advised to exercise regularly and consume certain...

Joint Pain

Wherever two bones connect each other and move, Joints exist. Joints have ingredients which protect the ends of the bones, absorb the shocks and avoid the erosion of the bones. For many people there is no understandable cause of joint pain.

Types of Joint Pain

Osteoarthritis of the hip can cause pain majorly when the hip has to bear w...

Improper self esteem

Most people would never do less work because of an illness like arthritis. On the converse, they might have a high regard for the person more if he or she seemed to meet the challenges of arthritis with particular grace and guts. Yet it is not uncommon for those affected people to judge themselves cruelly. For them, personal struggles with illness ...

High Heel Hurts

Joint pain is one of the major problems that almost all the people in this world are suffering. The majority of people who are affected by this problem are the older ones. This is because of the laziness that grows with age. Amongst the older people and the rest of the people, another group that is most affected are the females. We all have a conce...

Herbal remedy. Nature is the best Doctor

Arthritis is a disorder that arises in the joints of bones. Arthritis leads to pain and inflammation in the affected area. Further the disorder also damages the joints. Though the problem is common with individuals between age 40 to 60 years, even teenagers and kids can also develop the disorder. There are several types of medication available for ...

Heat and cold therapy

There are several traditional care options available that are the first line of treatment to help improve the pain and stiffness caused by arthritis. Most treatment plans will include a combination of these options, based on assessing several factors for the individual patient like severity of the arthritic, which joints are affected, nature of the...

Functional Footwear

Many people around the world are suffering from a very common problem of joint pain. There are some people who are severely affected by this problem. Now there are many reasons that cause this problem. Even wearing improper footwear also affects your joints and may cause arthritis. Arthritis is actually a group of conditions that damages or causes ...

Combat stiffness � Make bones supple to fight arthritis

Arthritis refers to disorder of bones. Arthritis mainly leads to pain and inflammation in joints of the bones. Further the disorder also damages the joints and leads to stiffness of joints. The stiffness often leads to a faulty body postures. To curb the arthritis problem it is very important to prevent stiffness of bones. The best way to combat st...

Better mental attitude

Arthritis can be a severely debilitating illness. Many who suffer from arthritis succumb to a deadlier disease, depression. The combination can be literally lethal. The best way to obviate the feelings of despair and helplessness is to seize arthritis by the collar and subject it to a frontal psychological assault. This goes by the rubric of a bett...

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