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ATV Safety Issues

Since their introduction to the public four decades ago, All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) have become increasingly popular. They are very appealing to riders because of the amount of danger one feels while riding. This danger, however, should not be taken lightly. ATVs carry with them a number of safety issues which every rider ought to be concerne...

ATV for Beginners

Since their introduction to the public several decades ago, ATVs have become increasingly popular. They are very appealing to riders because of the amount of the excitement one feels as they are riding. People are now discovering that the whole family can enjoy the excitement of the ATV. On the negative side, though, more people are injured while&n...

Antenna Parameters

The antennas are the starting point of the broadcasting system. Antennas form the basic device for the working of radios and televisions. They are also used in areas like radar and space communication, under water operations and even for under ground tasks. However, it is necessary to check the functionality of the antennas on the basis of certain ...

WiFi and antenna

The wireless enthusiasts have been again purposing satellite dishes for a couple years now. A dish that big is regularly overkill for most people and current mini-dishes work just as well. The dish helps spotlight the radio waves onto a directional antenna feed. The building of biquad antenna feeds because it offers very good performance and is pre...

Satellite antenna alignment

The satellite antenna alignment is used to calculate the angles necessary for installing satellite dishes. The major difference from similar software is the possibility to calculate the position for all satellites at once. One can get a clear picture about what satellites can be physically detectable from the location where the dish will be install...

Radio antenna

The antenna is an arrangement of aerial electrical conductors designed to transmit or receive radio waves that is a class of electromagnetic waves. In other terms, antennas mainly convert radio frequency electrical currents into electromagnetic waves. Antennas are used in systems such as radio and television broadcasting point-to-point radio commun...

Installing a television antenna

Television antenna signals are strongest and reception is generally the best when the station's transmitting tower is in clear line of vision with the home receiving the broadcast. Mountains, buildings or trees that block this line of sight tend to weaken and degrade the received signal. The signal also becomes weaker as it travels further from the...

How to build antenna

Antenna is an electronic device. It is an arrangement of aerial electronic conductors. These are designed to transmit or receive radio waves or electromagnetic waves. Heinrich Hertz discovered an antenna in 1886. Basically the antennas convert radio frequency electric current into an electromagnetic wave. Antennas have a wide range of usage. They a...

HDTV antennas

Antenna is an electronic device. Basically it is an aerial electronic conductor. Heinrich Hertz discovered an antenna in 1886. The antennas convert the radio frequency electric current into an electromagnetic wave. Antennas are used in radio and television broadcasting. They also have an application in communication systems, radar and space explora...

Dipole Antenna

 Dipole antenna is nothing but an antenna with two poles. It is the simplest type of antenna.
A dipole antenna is an aerial half a wavelength long. It is an electrical device that is used to send or receive radio or television signals. It consists of two rods connected to a transmission line at the center. It has maximum radiations at right...

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