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cPanel Primer For The New Web Master

If you are about to purchase web hosting, it is very likely that you will be using cPanel to manage your hosting. To get the most from your web hosting, you need to learn the workings of cPanel.

What Can Be Done with cPanel?

If your web hosting doesn't offer shell access, cPanel will be the only way to manage your web hosting, ...

Finding The Right Web Hosting Provider

Finding the right web hosting at an affordable price can be a daunting task. Most common web hosting providers will promise the world and then bring many headaches. Would you like to see your site down for 24 hours or more and receive next to no help from support regarding the problem? This situation is avoidable by carefully considering a web h...

How To Switch Hosting Providers Without Downtime

To many the idea of moving your web site from one host to another can sometimes seem like a daunting task but the process of moving your site is simple when you know what steps to take and the order to take them in. This article will walk you through the steps required to perform a site move without the downtime.

Firstly there is this on...

What Is DNS Propagation and Why You Have to Wait 72 Hours

So you have found your domain name, registered that new domain name, and paid for hosting to store all your sites pages ready to be served to your site's visitors. What comes next?

Well we need to point that domain name to the server at your hosting provider where your web site is stored. Firstly DNS stands for Domain Name Server. The wo...

Migrating a Website to a New Web Hosting Provider

Migrating a website is the process of moving a from one web hosting provider to another. There are several reasons why you would need to perform a website migration, below are some reasons you might need to do this;

1. You have found a better hosting deal and are looking to save money

2. Your current host does not offer a ...

Windows or Unix (Linux) Web Hosting - Which is the best choice?

This question is asked by people that are new to web hosting and web design every day. This question is the single most important decision you will make when looking to purchase web hosting. Unix (and Linux variants) and Windows are the two main operating systems powering web servers today, and each operating systems has its own unique features,...

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) - Why Should You Use Them

CSS layouts have been around for many years, but it is still common to see table-based layouts. Since the advent of the CSS 2.0 specification which introduced positioning, all sorts of possibilities have become available to budding website designers, and in this day and age, the only real reason to utilize tables is for displaying tabular data. ...

Precious fashion: jewellery today and forever

All most well-known jewellery-houses are introduced in every largest contemporary world's capital, and their number is still increasing. Celebrities and movie-stars, who regularly appear in the news, promote not at all their new song-albums or most-distributed movies, but on the contrary just another jewellery collection.

Undoubtedly, t...

Diamond Watches

Diamonds are beautiful jewels and are used in many types of jewelry from diamond necklaces to diamond rings to diamond watches. They are becoming more and more popular with both men and women due to the fact that they do not have to be too flashy. Both men and women continually look for new ways to use diamonds. Diamonds are not a rarity by any ...

A Personal Review of the Tempur Pedic Mattress

My wife and I bought a Tempur Pedic mattress back in the early days when most people hadn't heard of memory foam mattresses. We've slept on it for some years now and, I feel, I can hive an honest opinion of the Tempur Pedic mattress and or memory foam mattresses in general.

We live in an old period house and for many years we slept in an...

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