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Top 7 Tips for Surviving as a Freelancer

If you don't read these tips, you are in danger of losing your classification as a Freelancer, and joining the working world again!

#1 - Pyjamas are NOT a uniform

Yep, I know. The commute is just 30 seconds from bed to desk, and the toilet is JUST on the way, and there's no real need to get dressed that early...

Keeping Secrets Safe

You did it. You know you did. I did it, too. We all did. We hid things where the grownups wouldn't look. It was a great concept.

Post Katrina Communications

Did you know that... that the Communications confusion which followed Hurricane Katrina was avoidable? It wasn't a matter of FEMA or drowned buses.

The facts may surprise you. Available Technology was unused and virtually un-mentioned by 'The Mainstream Press'. You didn't hear a word about a simple solution available from the beginning....

Ways to Improve your Wireless Network

The convenience of remaining constantly connected to your business, family and friends on the Internet has revolutionized our lifestyle. The flexibility offered by devices like laptops and desktops can be enhanced considerably by connecting them in a wireless network. The network becomes more effective if you can extend its range.

How Is...

Two Way Radios - How to Choose The Best Walkie-Talkie for Your Business Needs

Two way radios can add thousands of dollars to your bottom line in the first year by saving as much as 5-9% of labor time. Make absolutely sure you select the right radio for your needs the first time.

Walkie-Talkies were introduced into typical business practices decades ago. Technology and battery engineering made them cumbersome and d...

Acupressure for infertility

There are many medical treatments that can be used to help a couple become pregnant. Some people also have described success-using acupressure with medical treatments.  Before beginning acupressure treatment a couple should have careful physical examinations to rule out anatomical causes of childlessness.  These should be corrected first ...

Vitamin Therapy for Infertility

One of the major physical disorders that are affecting an increasing number of people is infertility. A large number of people are finding it difficult to lead a healthy sexual life and also facing several obstacles while reproducing. There are various factors that can lead to such problems of infertility like stress, unhealthy addictions like smok...

Timing Intercourse and Ovulation for Conception

Sexual health has always played a major part in the overall well being of a human being. It is of utmost importance for the purpose of propagation of a clan. Fertility of a human being ensures that the genes of a particular race are conserved on the earth. Infertility is considered as a serious disease that not only affects the physical health but ...

Symptoms of Male Infertility

Infertility is a condition that occurs not only in females but also in males. It is important to note that infertility is not a physical condition, and most symptoms reflect a far greater problem that resides inside a male body. The pretesticular causes of male fertility include many problems. They are endocrine problems such as diabetes mellitus a...

Symptoms of Female Infertility

Infertility is inability to naturally conceive a child or carry a pregnancy to full term. There are a lot of reasons for a couple to not be able to conceive, with or without medical assistance. A female is said to be infertile when she is not able to conceive after one year of attempting to become pregnant. Some women are unproductive because their...

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