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Ayurvedic treatment for infertility

Herbal capsules

Research has proved that nearly 15% of the couples trying their first pregnancy have to face failure. If after one year of unprotected intercourse, pregnancy is not achieved then the couples are concluded as infertile. Low sperm count and poor sperm quality are considered the factors for male infertility. Ayurveda has certain...

Artificial Insemination

Artificial insemination is a simple and cheap medical procedure that is commonly used in the treatment of infertility. AI or artificial insemination is just one of those options that may be considered prior to attempting more involved treatments, like IVF. It refers to the method that involves placement of the sperm into the female reproductive tra...

Aromatherapy for fertility

If some one is trying to conceive naturally and find that it is not happening one may be feeling a little anxious. Aromatherapy helps to lower the anxiety symptoms and increase the fertility. Aromatherapy is growing more popular and for a good reason. It is simple and non-invasive. The essential oils, which are used are distilled and purified from ...

Anxiety and infertility

About 35 percent of all cases of infertility arise from problems in the man's system and 35 percent arise from abnormalities in the woman's system. About 20 percent of the time, the man and woman both have fertility problems and rest 10 percent of cases, no cause can be found. Age often increases the risk of infertility. Anxiety in a woman, th...

All About Suzuki Motorcycles

Suzuki Motor Company was founded by Michio Suzuki. He had a very successful looming business when he decided to invest in the concept of motorcycle manufacturing in 1920. Suzuki didn’t take the motorcycle world by storm, in stead it was a slow and steady rise to success. There were a variety of motorcycle models that had moderate success. People be...

Yamaha Motorcycles

The development of Yamaha motorcycles is one that took place quite by accident. In 1953 the company was already developing a variety of other products. They were looking for a use for idle pieces of equipment that had once been used to make propellers for airplanes. The ideas for this equipment included sewing machines, auto parts, scooters, all te...

What You Can do to Prevent Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycles are frequently found on our roads, especially during the warmer months of the year. With the high price of fuel, it isn’t surprising that the number of motorcycle riders out there is significantly on the rise. It is everyone’s job to do all they can to prevent motorcycle accidents from happening. What can you do while you are on the roa...

The Yamaha V-Max � One of the Fastest Motorcycles Around

Are you looking for a very fast motorcycle that you can use for racing or even for leisure riding? The Yamaha V-Max, introduced in 1985, is one of the fastest motorcycles around. The term V-Max is short for Velocitus Maximus. This is a heavier bike that is not recommend for beginner riders. Instead, it is a solid machine built for the experiences r...

The History of Motorcycles

Most of us have ridden on a motorcycle at one time or another. The idea for their design came from the development of the bicycle. I guess people were looking for a faster way to move their bicycle along, or perhaps one that wasn’t as physically exerting for them. The first motorcycle every made is credited to Gottllieb Daimler in 1885. This gas po...

The History of Harley-Davidson Motorcycles

The Harley-Davidson motorcycle has been in production since 1903. The brand offers a variety of models for both men and women. While this brand of motorcycle is among the most expensive, the models also have a reputation for being reliable and well built. Harley-Davidson bikes are also well know for the power behind them as they were initially buil...

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