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Investment into Alternative Energy Research and Development

The US government must continue to back the expansion of the role of alternative energy research and development and its implementation by companies and homeowners. Although this writer believes in the reign of the free market and that “that government is best which governs least”, our current system has companies and people expecting federal backi...

Renewable Fuels for Alternative Energy

The Germans have really taken off when it comes to renewable fuel sources, and have become one of the major players in the alternative energy game. Under the aegis of the nation's electricity feed laws, the German people set a world record in 2006 by investing over $10 billion (US) in research, development, and implementation of wind turbines, biog...

Most deer hunters are now hunting from tree stands

There are many types of stands and most are safe to use. Some of these include ladder-type stands, climbing stands, and lock-on stands. You can also nail boards to a tree. No matter what type of stand you are using, know that accidents can happen. If a stand seems unsafe to you, do not use it. If you are thinking about using a new tree stand and yo...

Satellite antenna

The satellite antenna is an artificial satellite, which is placed in space. The main purpose of satellite antenna is to serve communication. It solves the purpose of reconnaissance with the use of radio at microwave frequencies. An earth station is located on the ground, which use to transmit the radio waves. The satellite antenna use geosynchronou...

Keeping Secrets Safe

You did it. You know you did. I did it, too. We all did. We hid things where the grownups wouldn't look. It was a great concept.

Many people have never experienced fishing

Dress warmly, more so than usual. Ice fishing takes place in the open, which means that winds will be noticeable and can be a factor in comfort. You should have plenty of layers beneath a windproof coat – it’s best to need to take off layers than not have enough from the start, as cooling down is easier than warming up. If the temperature is not ve...

It�s great to fish in the summer when the air is warm and the lake is calm

What makes ice fishing so appealing to families is that the sport isn’t just about catching fish. Getting outdoors and breathing crisp, good air while having fun sums up ice fishing well. Smiles, laughs, and playing in the snow are all pretty common occurrences while out on the ice. Those reasons are just some of the few that even people who hate f...

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