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MIracle Studios : Mass awareness drive : So the question is do the Ghosts really exist?

The photographs from my recent spring break to Goa were ready and I called upon my room mate to see them. Both of us were sitting on our sofa, and I was explainining the moment’s captured in the photographs to my friend, but suddenly my eyes were tucked on a picture where I was sailing over the rushing tides of sea with my surfing board, this picture was thrilling but soon this “thrilling view” started intimidating me with a faded shadow of some person. Yes, the picture had a clear sign of a faded creature flying in the sky. My friend said ” Naveen, you were followed by some ghost on your trip to Goa.”I said to my friend, “I can’t believe, there are no such things like Ghost dear.” Being a science student, it was very hard for me to swallow those un-reasonable theories by Raghu (my friend). Suddenly, from nowhere an idea propped in to my mind, “Let me search for this thing on Google.” When I searched in to the Google I stumbled across a blog by Alan Boyle which peeks in to the whole spirit photography madness in his recent article. He interviewed many people who believe that many “Orbs” like things caught on the film can be scientifically explained as the matters of optical illusions. Several glowing orbs, for instance, are the most common type of optical illusions seen in the photographs taken with digital cameras, but these can be easily explained. Analyst’s believe that spectre like creatures are caused when dust particles, moisture, or insects in the air reflects the flashing beams of a digital camera back in to surface of the lens of the digital camera. I dug deep in to the search results of Google, there I also aknowledged the complete article on chasing ghosts on film. Thank’s God I am not the subscriber of this theory , I would have been, but my Science Degree does not allows me to fiddle. Still I am giving you the chance to change my mind. Have you captured any “spectre” in your pictures? Just send me a link in the comment’s section. Note*: This is a mass awareness drive by Miracle Studios.

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