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Why We’re Still Drinking Gin & Tonics After 170+ Years

In the 17th century, British soldiers were stationed in India and they would mix gin with lime or lemon juice, sugar cane syrup or angostura bitters.

Does Craft Beer Snobbery Start and End with Lagers?

For example, lager has been one type that seems to be on top for a while now, but does this mean that there's no room left for other styles?

Great Hops Make Great Beer’: How U.K. Agriculture Grows with Craft Breweries

This is great news for farmers who have been struggling with low commodity prices because it provides them with another market to sell their goods into at a much higher price point.

In Great Britain, How You Serve Cask Ale Is a Matter of Regional Pride

Cask ale is a special kind of beer that is served differently in Great Britain.

A New Gin Style Highlights Innovation Over Tradition

The result is a revitalized spirit that's exciting for both drinkers and bartenders alike.

How to Prepare for a Home Inspection

However, many people do not know what they should be doing before their inspection even takes place.

What's the Easiest Type of Pool to Own and Maintain?

There are many different types of pools to choose from if you are looking to get a pool for your home.

The Best Liquors and Drink Orders That Won't Derail Your Diet

We have all been there; battling to lose weight, but not wanting to give up the delicious taste of our favorite cocktails.

The 8 Types of Liqueurs You Need to Know by Heart

Liqueurs are a great way to add flavor and complexity to your favorite cocktails.

10 Most Popular Fruit Liqueurs in the World

Fruit based liqueurs are often sweet tasting and made from exotic or tropical fruits. There are many different types of these in the world, but we've narrowed it down to ten of the most popular ones.

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