Since their introduction to the public several decades ago, ATVs have become increasingly popular. They are very appealing to riders because of the amount of the excitement one feels as they are riding. People are now discovering that the whole family can enjoy the excitement of the ATV. On the negative side, though, more people are injured while&n...
The wireless enthusiasts have been again purposing satellite dishes for a couple years now. A dish that big is regularly overkill for most people and current mini-dishes work just as well. The dish helps spotlight the radio waves onto a directional antenna feed. The building of biquad antenna feeds because it offers very good performance and is pre...
Antennas are electronic devices used to transmit and receive radio signals. Antenna is an arrangement of aerial electrical conductors. Heinrich hertz discovered antennas in 1888. For the first time he used the antennas to prove the existence of electromagnetic waves. The antennas convert radio frequency electrical current into an electromagnetic wa...
There are many types of antenna for television. The person should buy according to their need and choice of picture clarity. Among many here are the list of few antennas for a quick glance. Types: 1. HDTV Antenna-There is zero different about an aerial for DTV or HDTV. Dishonest people have used this as an advertising trick. The h...
An antenna is an electronic device or a component that is designed to send and receive waves. It is a center fed element for transmitting and receiving radio frequency energy. A TV antenna is an antenna that transmits and receives electromagnetic energy. A television antenna is basically a low-tech device. It consists of a series of elemen...
A multi directional antenna is nothing but an antenna that is able to receive signals from many directions. Multi directional antennas have many sizes and shapes with different features. The main types of multi directional antennas are indoor multi directional antennas and outdoor multi directional antennas. The outdoor antennas are placed on th...
The satellite antenna is an artificial satellite, which is placed in space. The main purpose of satellite antenna is to serve communication. It solves the purpose of reconnaissance with the use of radio at microwave frequencies. An earth station is located on the ground, which use to transmit the radio waves. The satellite antenna use geosynchronou...
The antenna is an arrangement of aerial electrical conductors designed to transmit or receive radio waves that is a class of electromagnetic waves. In other terms, antennas mainly convert radio frequency electrical currents into electromagnetic waves. Antennas are used in systems such as radio and television broadcasting point-to-point radio commun...
The omni directional antenna is an antenna system that radiates power uniformly in all directions. The only 3 dimensional omni directional antenna is the isotropic antenna, a hypothetical construct derived from actual antenna radiation patterns and used as a suggestion for specifying antenna gain and radio system effective radiated power. Practical...
A loop antenna is primarily used for the AM broadcast and the bands of Long wave. Mainly there are two types of loop antennas, among them one is ferrite bar same as the am radio and other is in the form of air core. A loop antenna is multidirectional. A loop antenna will receive the signals on the opposite side and off side of the antenna signal wi...