Albania is a mountainous country and the one of the smallest countries of Europe. The residents supposedly descended from ancient Illyrians.
The culture of Albania is majorly influenced by that of the mainland Greeks especially in the urban locality; nodding one’s head means ‘no’ where as shaking the head means ‘yes’. To greet...
Portugal was a world power in 15th and 16th century but was reduced to rubbles during an earthquake in 1755, Napoleon’s Invasion and Brazil’s Independence. Sharing the Iberian Peninsula with Spain and bordering Atlantic Ocean by both west and south coast it is popular for its long and varied coastline, sunny climate an...
Cyprus is an island located in the Mediterranean Sea. It is inhabited with mountains on the north and south and the south coast is covered with plains. The temperatures are really hot indicating Mediterranean climate. Winters are cooler. Nicosia is the capital city of Cyprus. The currency used here is Cypriot Pound.
Anger is an emotion experienced by kids and adults alike. When something or someone interferes with an individual in a negative manner, it can cause them to become angry. Anger is a normal response to such a situation. However anger can be classed as a mild or intense irritation. Depending on the individual, the circumstance and their emotions, ang...
With anger management being used in many programs and situations, there are thousands of resources available to those affected. Beside support groups, individual counseling sessions and treatment centers, there are many anger management books available to help people deal with anger-related issues. There are anger management books written focusing ...
Many people with anger issues try the best to ignore them. By neglecting to talk about it or sweeping it under the rug so-to-speak, some individuals assume their problem will disappear. Families function daily living with a person who has problems with controlling their temper. Fathers, mothers, even children can disrupt the entire household due to...
When an individual is dealing with anger issues, usually their emotions evolve when put in stressful situations. If a difficult incident pops up, often their only way to cope with it is to put up their defensive side. Becoming angry is probably easier than dealing with the circumstances. This is unfortunate since anger doesn't solve anything. Once ...
Kids are normally forthcoming with regards to sharing feelings and emotions. A kid may be burdened with feelings of pain and guilt but you would never learn it from a conversation. A child's feelings are usually display in the behavior. When a child is sad they may keep to themselves or have little to say. When a child feels guilty they may avoid p...
Anger management programs offer the individual plenty of information regarding techniques and strategies for dealing with anger. Is there anger management therapy available for those who feel the need to take their treatment a step further?
In the early 1970's, a psychiatrist named Aaron T. Beck, M.D, developed an anger management therapy fo...
Since anger management seems to be a huge problem in society today, there have been many programs developed, books written, Internet websites created and anger management movies filmed. Although all of this help is in place an available for anyone, not all people with anger issues benefit from the same source. For some people attending an anger man...