As teenagers get older, the prospect of soon being able to drive on their own is very exciting for them. However, it can be a complete nightmare for a parent. Many teenagers start asking for a motorcycle rather than a passenger vehicle as this type approaches. Should you allow your teenager to get a motorcycle? This can be a hard decision to make a...
Having the proper safety equipment is very important when you are operating or riding on a motorcycle. While a helmet is the most important piece of safety equipment, it will only protect you if it the right type of helmet and it fits properly. Have you ever seen a young child riding on a motorcycle wearing an adult size helmet? In the event of an ...
To operate a motorcycle on streets, an individual must obtain a motorcycle license. You do not need a license to operate a dirt bike as long as you keep it off of the streets. The procedure for doing so varies by state. In most states, you can obtain one at the age of 16, the same age for obtaining a regular driver’s license. The process involves a...
Soichiro Honda, the developer of Honda motorcycles, didn’t set out to manufacture them. In fact, his passion was vehicles. He also loved the idea of driving fast and enjoyed racing. He worked from the time he was a teenager in an auto repair shop, so he had a great understanding of the mechanical end of things. He also owned a Harley and an Indian,...
Most motorcycles are designed with men in mind, and it is true that they are the majority of the operators. However, there are many women who want to do more with a motorcycle than just ride on the back of it. Finding a motorcycle designed to fit a woman is more difficult and the choices are limited. However, it is very possible to find one if you ...
Riding on a motorcycle is fun and exciting. Nothing feels better on a warm afternoon then being on one, feeling the light breeze and the sun as you travel. However, it is vital that you take motorcycle safety very seriously as it only takes a second for you to be involved in an accident. Keep in mind that you don’t have the protection of a vehicle ...
Motorcycle racing is a very exciting sport that many people love to watch. The three main types of motorcycle racing include dirt bikes, street racing, and drag racing. Each offers motorcycle enthusiasts the opportunity to race their motorcycle at breath taking speeds against the best in the sport. Those who have proven to be among the best are abl...
In many states, it is mandatory to have insurance on your motorcycle. In addition to covering any loans on the bike, the insurance is designed to cover medical bills for personal injury as well as for collision costs. Even if motorcycle insurance isn’t mandatory in your state, it is still a good idea to have it. You never know when you may need it....
There are so many wonderful motorcycle accessories to choose from, you definitely can make your bike look original, even if it is one of thousands that are designed exactly the same when you purchase it. Some motorcycle accessories are optional and some you need to purchase without exception.
Safety accessories are something you should inves...
The idea of riding a motorcycle is to allow you the freedom of the open air while traveling. It can also be a very inexpensive way to travel or to commute. Learning how to operate a motorcycle is very important. You don’t want to be an inexperienced operator out there with so many other vehicles on the road. The process is quick for some, and other...