For servers working in a restaurant, café or hotel, the tip that they get is considered an extra income which they expect and need to survive.
Offline mode is necessary for delivery apps having GPS navigation, banking apps and apps for urgent medical assistance.
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Motorcycles benefit from pursuing racing victories and greater performance.
It's not easy to overheat a motorcycle, at least not as easily as it is to overheat a car.
The best time of year for motorcyclists to go for a ride on the open road is during the summer.
A three-wheeler is also considered a motorcycle in Sri Lanka for licensing and title reasons.
Did you know that during a standard comprehensive eye exam, your optometrist can detect 20 or more health concerns that may be in the early stages?
Buying a gift for a family, whether your own or someone else's, may be difficult because everyone has different interests.
Party shirts and platform shoes are perfect for a “revenge” buying binge.