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Top 10: Reasons Why Men Cheat

Adultery has been around forever, and has always given us something to talk about. Most reality TV shows these days center on it, as do gossip mags. But we are far from cracking the big mystery: Why do some men cheat in relationships?

All men know, at some level, that cheating is wrong. From the earliest age, we are taught the virtues of mon...

Infidelity: why men cheat

It's been called everything from having an "improper relationship" to having an "undercover lover" to having a "freak on the side." But whatever name it's given, it means one thing -- cheating. And relationship experts say men are doing it now more than ever.

In fact, experts estimate that nearly 75 percent of married men, or men involve...

French Kissing Techniques

Find here 7 steps to great French kissing.

1) Good oral hygiene is probably the most important first step when it comes to kissing. Ideally, you'd have your teeth checked out. Good teeth health will reduce bad breath. Make sure you get the tongue really well. You can find many good tongue brushes out there. Just like anything else, prepa...

Are You an Adult Indigo?

The Indigo Children started appearing on earth over 30 years ago, which means that many of them are now adults. If you read my article on Indigo Children and found that many of those characteristics applied to you in your childhood, you're probably wondering if you may in fact be an adult indigo.

Listed below are some characteristics of ...

Use of fertilizers according to the season

 An overview on the use of fertilizers:

Chemical fertilizers are an integral and inherent part of modern agriculture and even gardening. Fertilizers provide the plants with manures that results in the lush growth of the plants faster growth of the fruits and flowers. However inappropriate and over application of fertilizers may also con...

Proper cultivation

Undoubtedly many Americans have a love affair with the green lawns. It has been seen that even in the dry and arid climates of Arizona and Southern California the gardeners struggle against nature to preserve a perfectly green carpet. In fact the effort is worth enough since a green background provided by lawns can add to the beauty of any landscap...

Choosing a spreader

A mechanical spreader is prevalent. It is of 2 types – Drop and Rotary spreader. For both a hopper is filled with nutrients and the spreader is pushed on the lawn. The drop one has an aperture at the base of the hopper. The trigger is pulled to open the cover and the material moves through the aperture into the lawn. The area of lawn fertilized dur...

Tiny Fountains

Fountain whether it is small, tiny or large would always be a focal point for any one who walks into the room which has one installed. There are different types of fountains available in the market. They are made of different types of materials ranging from ceramic, to semi-precious jewels and crystals. The Roman Empire was famous for all types of ...

Sandstone Fountains

There are many types of fountains available in the market. The fountains are not only found in public gardens but also in homes and offices. The soothing sound of waterfall helps to focus the mind and bring the tranquility of a mountain stream into any room – whether in the home or office. People who believe in the feng shui way of interior decorat...

Obelisk Fountain

It is believed that the soothing sound of waterfall helps to focus the mind and bring the tranquility of a mountain stream into any room – whether in the home or office. People who believe in the feng shui way of interior decoration install the indoor waterfalls and fountains. The indoor fountains is known for its relaxing and healing powers apart ...

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