Fertility of the individual in a society decides upon the propagation of the society. Infertility is a serious disease creeping in the healthy married life of many of the couples. It has not only ruined the physical health but the mental health of many of the people suffering from it. One must be very mush aware of the nuances of the human reproduc...
Research has proved that nearly 15% of the couples trying their first pregnancy have to face failure. If after one year of unprotected intercourse, pregnancy is not achieved then the couples are concluded as infertile. Low sperm count and poor sperm quality are considered the factors for male infertility. Ayurveda has certain...
Artificial insemination is a simple and cheap medical procedure that is commonly used in the treatment of infertility. AI or artificial insemination is just one of those options that may be considered prior to attempting more involved treatments, like IVF. It refers to the method that involves placement of the sperm into the female reproductive tra...
The computer has evolved from occupying a whole room to occupying a desk to perching on a lap. And man has simultaneously evolved from sharing life with family members to chatting with friends to spending time with a computer. Today’s teenager will feel incomplete without a computer.
A cabinet is a cupboard with drawers and / or shelves. It is used mainly for storage purpose. It usually has two or four big shelves, four to six drawers and smaller shelves. The height of a whole cabinet is around 7 Ft. and width is minimum 2 Ft. where 3 – 4 Ft. is advisable.
A sealed bag in which beans are stuffed is called as a beanbag. The bean bags that are available in the market are filled with dried beans or small PVC pellets. A bean bag couch or a bean bag chair is one that is used as a piece of furniture in the bedroom. It is a part of soft furnishings. It does not have a definite shape li...
Your education is the single greatest gift you can give yourself. While there are educational opportunities all around us, some of them come at a greater cost than others. A college education might require a hefty investment of time and money upfront but the pay off is much better over time than if you used your life experiences in order to achieve...
Many people find that in the courses of their careers they wish they had the ability to go back to school for even further education. Unfortunately, not everyone has the good fortune to live in the vicinity of a university that offers graduate level studies in the career they have chosen. Chances are that a good percentage of the population does no...
For any student hoping to attend college in the coming year, the first place you need to start is by filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid that is commonly referred to as FAFSA. The earlier you fill out this form the better as far as your chances of receiving the full amount of financial aid that is available to you as well as to...
When it comes to getting a college education, financing is one of the most important considerations that you will need to make. Unfortunately for far too many it is one the last considerations that is made when it comes to the educations of our children. If you are a parent you owe it your child and yourself to plan ahead and plan carefully in orde...