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Diagnosis and test for Female Infertility

Propagation is the basic functionality of everything. People get married to propagate. It’s sometimes hard for some people to achieve this. There are various problems that come in between and become a problematic condition for some couples. Infertility has become a common problem these days. It is common in both men and women. Almost 40% of the act...

Ayurvedic treatment for infertility

Herbal capsules

Research has proved that nearly 15% of the couples trying their first pregnancy have to face failure. If after one year of unprotected intercourse, pregnancy is not achieved then the couples are concluded as infertile. Low sperm count and poor sperm quality are considered the factors for male infertility. Ayurveda has certain...

Aromatherapy for fertility

If some one is trying to conceive naturally and find that it is not happening one may be feeling a little anxious. Aromatherapy helps to lower the anxiety symptoms and increase the fertility. Aromatherapy is growing more popular and for a good reason. It is simple and non-invasive. The essential oils, which are used are distilled and purified from ...

Anxiety and infertility

About 35 percent of all cases of infertility arise from problems in the man's system and 35 percent arise from abnormalities in the woman's system. About 20 percent of the time, the man and woman both have fertility problems and rest 10 percent of cases, no cause can be found. Age often increases the risk of infertility. Anxiety in a woman, th...

Causes of male infertility

Infertility is not always the problem for woman even man contribute one third among the total infertility cases. The attribution of male infertility is not due to genital viruses like oral herbs and genital herbs. The tests through which male infertility can be known are semen analysis and post coital test. Mainly the male infertility is caused due...

The History of Harley-Davidson Motorcycles

The Harley-Davidson motorcycle has been in production since 1903. The brand offers a variety of models for both men and women. While this brand of motorcycle is among the most expensive, the models also have a reputation for being reliable and well built. Harley-Davidson bikes are also well know for the power behind them as they were initially buil...

Selecting the Right Motorcycle Helmet

Having the proper safety equipment is very important when you are operating or riding on a motorcycle. While a helmet is the most important piece of safety equipment, it will only protect you if it the right type of helmet and it fits properly. Have you ever seen a young child riding on a motorcycle wearing an adult size helmet? In the event of an ...

Motorcycles by Honda

Soichiro Honda, the developer of Honda motorcycles, didn’t set out to manufacture them. In fact, his passion was vehicles. He also loved the idea of driving fast and enjoyed racing. He worked from the time he was a teenager in an auto repair shop, so he had a great understanding of the mechanical end of things. He also owned a Harley and an Indian,...

Motorcycles Designed for Women

Most motorcycles are designed with men in mind, and it is true that they are the majority of the operators. However, there are many women who want to do more with a motorcycle than just ride on the back of it. Finding a motorcycle designed to fit a woman is more difficult and the choices are limited. However, it is very possible to find one if you ...

Motorcycle Safety

Riding on a motorcycle is fun and exciting. Nothing feels better on a warm afternoon then being on one, feeling the light breeze and the sun as you travel. However, it is vital that you take motorcycle safety very seriously as it only takes a second for you to be involved in an accident. Keep in mind that you don’t have the protection of a vehicle ...

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