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What’s New In PHP 8.0?

PHP is continuously evolving and PHP 8.0 is released on November 26th, 2020. It is a mega edition as it explores a lot of features and performance im

What Is The Difference Between The Front And Rear Tyres Of A Motorcycle?

Every motorcyclist on the planet knows the importance of his tyres – they are the key to the motorbike’s soul, and the biker knows his way with them.

Top 11 Flutter Widgets To Know In 2021

Flutter App development will be more easy with widgets. Know the top 11 Flutter widgets to use in 2021 at-

Does Your Prescription For Spectacles Change At Every Appointment?

The vision of the eyes can change periodically starting from childhood to adulthood as seen in the prescription.

Dart Vs JavaScript- A Comparison That You Must Know

Javascript gained popularity when it came in the world of cross platform mobile app development and server-side development.

Do Shutters Keep Light Out Better Than Blinds?

An age-old question asked by many home owners is whether shutters are able to keep the light out better than blinds.

All You Need To Know About App Development For Foldable Smartphones

Are you facing difficulty while developing smartphones? Know the important considerations for developing apps for foldable smartphones at-

10 Amazing Best Practices And Tips For Flutter Development

Flutter can make it more comfortable for new businesses to roll out with the feature rich mobile application without spending more money.

How To Secure Your Android App?

In this digital world, people use mobile apps for a wide range of purposes, from transfer of funds to investments, order food and groceries.

What's A Typical British Night Out?

A typical British night out. What does that mean? Well, in just three words, it is Booze, Booze, Booze!

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