Couples who have children can now go to India for surrogacy

  Kiran IVF    May 17, 2012    1447


The monument is over 400 years. Around it is a crowd. In India, second only to China in population, there are about 1.2 billion people. Hyderabad, southern India, has always had a nickname: city of pearls. The trade of which is traditional. Done for centuries. But the city could well win a new title: City of babies. Babies who go out of clinics that offer the service of surrogacy. Indian women become pregnant in exchange for money: receive an embryo and generate the baby for couples or singles who cannot conceive. Mathew and James came from the U.S. for it. They lived together for eight years. They wanted to be more than a couple, wanted a family. Soon, their child will be born. "Are you ready for this?" Asks Matthew. "Yes," replied James. The couple does not know the woman giving birth to their son. They just know where she spent the last nine months. In one clinic, the owners of surrogate living in a dormitory or a hostel complex. Altogether there are about 60 women scattered on the top floor of a clinic, all of them are already pregnant and the majority for the first time as surrogates. All come from very poor villages in India; and here they receive care and nutrition that they would not be able to have in their homes. "They are with us and have a strict regimen of diet, personal hygiene, dietary supplements, are accompanied at all times," explains Dr Samit Sekhar. Each woman receives a payment of about $ 9000 USD, about 16,000 Brazilian Real per pregnancy. This is a fortune in India. In poor villages, people live on only $ 3 per day. A 24 year old will use the payment to pay off debts and open a cosmetics shop. We wonder what she thinks of being a surrogate mother. "I am very happy to participate in the program and to help other people," she says. The surrogacy service was started by the Kiran Infertility Clinic four years ago. "In total, 212 women have had children with us, through this whole process," says the Dr Pratima Grover. The couples spend about $ 25,000, R $ 45 thousand for the Surrogacy Package. Much less than in the United States, where the price reaches eight times. The cost of surrogacy in India is precisely what attracts people around the world. Including Brazil, where it is prohibited. We found a couple of Rio de Janeiro in India found that the solution to a dream that seemed impossible. In Brazil, the constitution, a woman cannot receive money to gestate the child for another. What is allowed is the loan of the belly. That is: to offer the uterus without receiving anything for it. But the Federal Medical Council imposes a condition: who gives the belly should be a second degree relative of the woman who will stay with the child. In some cases, may even be a friend, provided that the board authorizes. "Our concern is with affection, not to generate lawsuit up front," says Joseph Gallo Hiran Silva, director of the Federal Council of Medicine. Lene and Richard, who live in Rio de Janeiro, or consider asking friends and relatives. "It's emotionally difficult to get a pregnant sister for you," says Richard. The Canadian and Brazilian have been together for 12 years. Lene has two daughters from another marriage, Richard was never a father. The couple tried to have a child. Lene did a treatment in Brazil to become pregnant, in vitro fertilization, in which a sperm fertilizes an egg in the laboratory. "There were four unsuccessful attempts," says Lene. "There are people who try seven, eight times. It was impossible for us emotionally, "says Richard. It was possible when Lene and Richard discovered the surrogacy, in the same Indian clinic (Surrogacy at Kiran Infertility Centre) as Mathew and James. "We started with emails, their site and everything. So then we went up there to see if it really was what we were seeing in social networks, "says Lene. Attempts to impregnate a surrogate mother in India have started there. The couple will follow the pregnancy in Brazil, more than 14,000 kilometers away. "I'll feel pregnant" jokes Lene. In Brazil, the child will be considered the child of Lene and Richard. "When a child is born, we will leave the hospital with a birth certificate with my name and his," says Lene. For Justice, who is the real mother in such cases? "One who seeks treatment," says Ana Scalquette, biotechnology advisor to the commission of OAB. "I can get the egg of a woman and the womb of another mother and be considered" complete. "It's a tough decision, because it is the dream of every parent to give a kiss on the belly. The surrogate will deliver the child, but I'll have children, "says his father moved. They have already have a room for the babies in the house. Now the parents expect the time to meet the baby. To Mathew and James, the time has come. "Two boys," says Matthew, to discover the sex of their child. The meeting finally happens. James is so excited that only silence can express. It was he who donated sperm for fertilization. He is the biological father. Mathew has called the children by name: Foster and Fox. After ten days they can take the babies home. They'll start a new life, along with two brand new little lives. For Original article, click here >>
 Article keywords:
Samit, Dr. Samit, Dr. samit sekhar, Dr. sekhar, Dr. pratima, Dr. pratima grover


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