Fertilizers for Potted Plants - Articles XP

Fertilizers for Potted Plants

  Jason Lassiter    July 3, 2013    1378


Those of you who have a garden with some or plenty of potted plants might have noticed that after a while, the plants don’t seem to pick up at all. This article walks you through the steps you need to take get your potted plants back on track.

Why does the Growth of a Potted Plant Stagnate?

Irrespective of its size, a pot essentially contains a limited amount of nutrients because the quantum of soil that is available to it is limited. A smallish plant in a large pot will grow well for a while and then it too will stagnate. In any case, you can’t keep on increasing the size of the pot. So how do you encourage the plant to continue growing despite the limitations? The one answer is fertilizer.

Using Fertilizers for your Potted Plants

At the mention of fertilizer, most people think of or visualize the packaged stuff you can buy at the local gardening outlet. But that’s not the kind I’m thinking of – I’m thinking of stuff you can make in your home from wet garbage commonly found in the kitchen> I’m referring to stuff that you would ordinarily either dump into the bin or shove down the sink. I’m referring to stuff like used tea leaves or discarded lettuce leaves, apple peels, vegetable peels, and green pea pod shells, stuff like that. Just finely chop these up in blender and mix with new soil. For every mug full of soil, use quarter of the freshly chopped greens and fruit discards. Mix well. Your homemade fertilizer is now ready and can not only be used for potted plants; it can also be used for plants planted directly into the ground.

Application of homemade fertilizer

If you need to fertilize the potted plants, here’s how you can do it:

1. Loosen up the soil taking care that you loosen up only the top portion of the pot.
2. Next, empty out half the soil from the pot.
3. Next lightly loosen the soil that is touching the inner wall of the pot.
4. Hold the plant firmly and pull it out gently taking care not to shake the roots.
5. Now fill two thirds of the pot with the freshly created fertilizer.
6. Make a small well in the middle and reinsert the plant into the pot (along with a lot of the previous soil still sticking to the root).
7. Gently shake the pot a bit so the soil settles down.
8. Add half a mug of water immediately and after a few hours you can water as usual.
9. If you are curious, mark the height and circumference of the plant.

The chopped vegetables, peels and stuff that you have mixed into the soil will slowly decompose and enrich the soil. Depending on the size of the chopped vegetables, it might take anything from seven to ten days for the vegetables to decompose and be absorbed into the soil.

Assuming you have used fresh soil when making the fertilizer, the plant in any case, will once again start to grow. When the nutrients from the fertilizer hit the soil, the plant will receive a tremendous boost and grow even more rapidly. The more green stuff you put in your fertilizer, the better. Have Fun.

Check out also for Acrylic Plant Planters and Fiberglass Planters

 Article keywords:
Acrylic Plant Planters, Fiberglass planters


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