From Mystical Kabbalah to Mystical Jewelry

  David Weitzman    January 31, 2013    4964


The Kabbalah is a system of Jewish mysticism that dates as far back as ancient Sumer. In Hebrew, the root word for Kabbalah means “to receive sacred teachings”. Among these essential sacred teachings include the belief that the patterns that dictate how the universe works are the very same patterns that can be found in the deepest recesses of a man’s soul.

Kabbalah and its teachings are a fundamental part of the Torah. Torah, of divine origin and given to Israel at Sinai determines what is considered authentic mysticism for the Jewish people. It is a study of the Divinity of God and His relationship with His creations, us included. It transcends normal reasoning and goes way deep into the very core of Torah.

Within the many works of Kabbalah are various depictions of experiences and visions that according to any standards can only be described as supernatural or mystical. Real mystics seek knowledge. They seek to understand, deeply. They seek an intellectual affirmation and a profound sense of God’s omnipresence.

The use of symbols is almost as old a practice as humankind itself. In this respect, Kabbalah is no different than all other schools of thought, mystical or otherwise. Symbols are believed to be sources or pathways from which or through which powerful forces can be harnessed by able and responsible individuals. These forces or energies do not disappear; they are simply transformed from one state to another. The energies possessed by Kabbalistic symbols are used in the most positive transformations.

Powerful Kabbalistic symbols have made their way into jewelry as a perfectly natural progression, borne out of the need to keep them close so that they can influence and protect the wearer at all times. Being used as objects of adornment has not diminished the mysticism attributed to Kabbalistic symbols as sources of powerful invisible forces. If anything, wearing these symbols as jewelry has all but enhanced their ability to influence one’s life, a perfect demonstration of God’s constancy in the life of His creation.

Kabbalah Symbols as Jewelry

Almost all major Kabbalah mystical symbols have been incorporated into jewelry design but the following two examples are among the most popular:

  • Hamsa – a palm-shaped Kabbalistic symbolmost popularly used as an amulet and often incorporated in wall hangings as a defense against the evil eye. Many hamsa designs are decorated with fish, an additional symbol for good luck. Other designs use Hebrew prayers like the Traveler’s Prayer (TefilatHaDerech) or Blessing for the Home (Sh’maBirkatHaBayit). Kabbalah enjoys renewed interest from all over, and this interest has once again revived the popularity of the Hamsa.
  • Tree of Life – a mystical Kabbalah symbol used to describe the path to God and the way He created everything out of nothing, almost like a diagram of how the universe came to be. It is sometimes referred to as the Tree of the Sefirot (qualities of God) namely crown, wisdom, intuition or understanding, mercy or greatness, strength, glory, victory, majesty, foundationand sovereignty. The Tree of Life jewelry symbolizes life, love and unity.

 Article keywords:
kabbalah jewelry, kabbalah, ka, gold jewelry, Cabala jewelry, Kabala jewelry, Kabalah jewelry


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