Government Contracts Open Bids and Opportunities

  Glenn Oliver    March 23, 2015    1096


water utilityThe water and wastewater industry in the United States is government owned enterprise that puts out contracts for various jobs in that sector worth billions of dollars. This is a good business opportunity for the thousands of suppliers, vendors and service providers that are in the water business. A large number of government contracts, open bids and opportunities in the water and wastewater industry are put out regularly all over the United States. Finding the right type of job in line with your business might well be a tedious task.

If you want to find a government contract for, say, supply of water pumps, just check out your local newspaper. Local business opportunities are relatively easy to find but if you've set your sights on the national or international water market, you'll need much more than the local newspaper. You need an online resource like that is designed to cater solely to the water industry. Access, browse and compete on government contracts, open bids and opportunities listed on

A tender invitation for setting up a desalination plant or a request for proposal to lay water pipes or set up a sewage system in the locality, a request for quotes for the supply of water purification chemicals – all these and more are listed at It is an international portal that provides you complete information on government contracts, open bids and opportunities in the water and wastewater industry.

The largest database of government Water Utilities Opportunities contracts and open bids in the water industry is available with H2bid. As water utilities post new projects for bidding, the database keeps growing, giving interested parties latest and most current information related to the bids. The website also allows the utility companies to accept responses for their bids through the e-bidding facility. This ensures a transparency in the procurement process and saves valuable time and money.

Vendors and service providers for the water industry have a user friendly site that has a global presence – this gives them an opportunity to bid for projects not only in their home state but all over the country. Information pertaining to the bids is classified according to category of the job as well as the location. With the help of the website's search engine, vendors can get results quickly and easily.

H2bid allows the vendors to customize their searches, receive email alerts for the latest open bids and also bid for projects online. provides an online platform for vendors and water utility Water utility tenders concerns to meet and do business that is mutually beneficial to both. From large projects like construction of dams and desalination plants to the smaller jobs like cleaning of water tanks and supply of materials, all government contracts and open bidding opportunities can be found at

 Article keywords:
Water treatment project, Water treatment contracts, Water procurement, Wastewater treatment project,


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