How To Go Beyond Diabetes Symptoms

  Chris  Norman    July 12, 2013    1461


Diabetes SymptomsDid you know diabetes symptoms are caused from inflammation?

Truth is every degenerative disease is at least associated with diabetes.

There are real doctors all over the world preventing, treating and curing diabetes type 1 and diabetes type 2 using diet and lifestyle changes-NOT drugs!

Most people I mention this to immediately defend their diabetes type 1 by proclaiming that it can't be cured.

Some of them actually get visually upset if you try to tell them the truth about their diabetes, whether it's type 1, 2 or 3.

Like doctor, like patient.

If you ask anyone with diabetes type 1, what causes it? They will tell you no one knows. This tells me their doctor doesn't know. It's the first thing most doctors tell people before they write them a prescription for what they assume is their only choice . . . insulin for life.

I find it more than disturbing that a doctor would make such a broad assumption as to claim that "no one" knows what causes diabetes.

That's ridiculous . . .

I know lots of people who know what causes diabetes type 1 and diabetes type 2. Some are medical doctors and others are normal everyday people who have a passion for discovering the truth for themselves.

As you might already know, diabetes is at least associated with inflammation just like heart disease, immune system problems and even cancer.

The exciting thing is now that you understand inflammation is a main factor; you're light years closer to finding the cause of your diabetes by simply learning the causes of chronic inflammation.

Now you know that whatever causes a specific type of inflammation is the same cause of your diabetes. Just because chronic inflammation triggers complications like diabetes, heart disease and cancer doesn't mean the solution is any more complicated . . . because really it's not.

The most difficult step is putting away misinformation and mustering the courage to believe your diabetes symptoms have a reversible cause, whether diabetes type 1 or diabetes type 2.

That's honestly the hardest part. Because if you really want to live diabetes free, you need to get excited about removing the cause of your symptoms, not only treating them.

There's plenty of real science to back up the fact there's a cure for diabetes. The purpose of this article isn't to do everything for you at once . . . I simply want to whet your appetite so you'll start to change your perspective about diabetes.

You can easily find the right diabetes remedy that will work for you, but first stop thinking your pancreatic beta cells are dead. They are most likely not dead, only dormant or injured.

The beta cells make your insulin, which regulate your blood sugar levels. This entire sugar/insulin metabolism has to do with YOU being able to "nurture" healthy cell membranes.

You can do it by working with your body better. Later, I'll tell you more, meanwhile, start opening books and search out the truth about diabetes symptoms and causes. It will set you free!

Check out also for Barton Publishing Natural Home Remedies and Barton Publishing Natural Health Reports

 Article keywords:
Diabetes Reversed Spice, Joe barton diabetes, Barton diabetes solution kit review


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