Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) has grown far beyond its early roots of popularity in a few selective services areas such as HR and CRM services, and is now gaining acceptance across a broad range of applications for Software Outsourcing business and IT user populations alike, including ERP software. Here are given three reasons to switch to SaaS ;
Many Software Development Companies today consider SaaS as a cost-advantage over on-premise in the short-run due to its quick implementation times and pay-as-you-go pricing. But many question the long-term value of SaaS, wondering if the rent-versus-own model necessarily has a cost crossover point and if so, when? It is imperative to objectively evaluate the impact on a business when considering the adoption of SaaS including: 1. SaaS enables fast deployment, better user adoption, and reduced support needs and how will your company benefit from SaaS? 2. Subscriptions can provide reduced cost implementation, upgrades, and training costs but how will your company pay, both in hard costs and resources, for SaaS? 3. With SaaS, cost savings and adoption rates can be uncertain so how do uncertainties change the total impact of SaaS on your business? 4. Hire ROI and lower costs 5. Less Time to Recoup costs = Faster ROI 6. Lower maintenance, and fewer ongoing hardware and resource requirements. It’s also more affordable and easier to extend the solution to new projects and more users. 7. Quickly adapt to changing business needs. SaaS Disadvantages:
When looking at Saas offerings there are many components that make up the total cost of ownership. To start with a Software Company must look at maintenance, support, training, tenancy, security, integration and implementation resources and strategic fit to name a few. Even though the vendor is hosting the software, companies still have to implement the tool, integrate it with other systems as well as migrate existing data into the new system. All of which may not be taken into consideration when purchasing the technology.