Prolotherapy is also called as non-surgical ligament or reconstruction. This is a permanent treatment for chronic pain and accepted worldwide. It is derived from the Latin word "proli" which means "to regenerate or rebuild". It is important to understand the word PROLOTHERAPY itself means. "Prolo" is short form of proliferation, because this treatment causes the proliferation means growth or formation of new ligament tissue in areas where it has become weak.
Prolotherapy is newest technique and proved as a best Migraine Headache Pain Relief Treatment therapy. This therapy is famous around the world and accepted by the all doctors. Prolotherapy is a pain treatment technique that involves the injection of fluids into joints, ligaments, tendons and muscles and also at that places where severe pain is counted. The goal this technique is stimulation of endogenous growth factors, thereby initiating tissue repair and healing.
Prolotherapy has prove more effective for pain associated with back, back ache,neck,headache, sciatica, SI and all joints throughout the body, arthritis, migraines, fibromyalgia, herniated discs, tension headaches, sports injuries, muscles pain and many other. Sometimes it is seemed as a controversial but accepted as a popular therapy in sports medicines. It involves the injection of a dextrose solutions or sugar into the body to help treat a variety of ligament, tendon, muscle and joint pains etc. When someone injures soft tissues like ligaments, prolotherapy is the best option for his treatment.
During this treatment sugar is released from inside the cells and fat is released as cell membranes are broken. These substances then trigger the immune system to increase growth factors at the wound site. The solutions that are utilized in Prolotherapy is dextrose. But it is not only safe, but when properly administered do a great job. It simulate the mechanisms of how the body heals itself.
To make solutions stronger additives such as liver extracts, human growth hormone and platelet rich plasma again simulates what normally occurs in the human body with healing an injury. Prolotherapy is the best therapy for pain treatments. If you are suffering from any type of pain visit a good doctor for your treatments. Prolotherapy make your joints stronger than before and offers you relief. This is regenerative treatment technique, which is based on the generative or growth of tissues in the particular part of body. Pain & wellness clinic is such a leading pair relief clinic and get popularity among all due to perfect and best prolotherapy treatments. Your any type of pain problems are solved by exert surgeon.