React vs Angular – A 2021 Comparison

  Solace  Infotech    May 18, 2021    514


Whenever you think about the Javascript ecosystem, react and angular will pop up immediately in your mind because of their popularity. But choosing the right javascript framework for app development is a big confusion. Angular is a javascript framework, while Reactjs is a Javascript library. Since these are fundamentally different, we need to compare them on the basis of various parameters. Before digging to the comparison, let us see the overview of React and Angular in detail.

What Is React?

It is an open-source library used to handle the view layer of application and developers prefer it to build reusable UI components. It is fast and scalable to change the data without reloading the page. Reactjs was first used on Facebook and later for Instagram news feed. 

Netflix- media streaming platform and a project by New York times are two popular usecases of React.

You should know the- 10 Best React component libraries you should know in 2020

What Is Angular?

Angular is a web framework developed and maintained by Google. It is one of the most popular web frameworks because of its two-way data binding and dependency injection, and backed by a tech giant. Angular speeds up the frontend development and is known as the standalone solution to build data-driven web apps rapidly. It supports model-view-controller that augments the functionalities of browser-based applications by reducing javascript code needed to keep the application functional and robust.

Know the amazing angular best practices at- Top 10 Angular Best Practices To Follow In 2020

React Vs Angular- A Comparison

1. Performance-


Reusing components is very common among designers as it doubles the productivity and optimizes the coding practices. Reactjs is popular for its flexibility by reusing the components, for instance, starting from finest components like checkbox, button followed by moving the wrapper components and reaching the root components. Following such habits leads to consistent app performance and facilitates code quality and maintenance at any level of project complexity.


Angular has covered everything that optimizes the coding practices and leads to an established level of programming which improves performance. Developers should consider thing while evaluating the Angular vs React performance. For instance, optimizing the digest cycle for your proposed code structure. When you develop a codebase for modules, monitoring and optimizing the loop can verify the changes that are previously made. The projects that don’t need the facilitation of two-way data binding can be provided with older versions of Angular to reduce complexities at a noticeable extent.

Angular offers $cacheFactory that works effectively for memorization which can eventually be used to recalculate the data, that are being calculated later. PayPal is a popular payment gateway that handles more than 300 million customers and used by 200+ countries using Angular because of safety transactions. 

2. Code Quality-


Reactjs has lots of things that increases its code quality and give identity different from frameworks. For example, by using DisplayName string to debug the messages will allow you to distinguish the components. Also, you can use prop-types to check in run time whether the prop type is used for objects. Code quality maintenance is easy in Reactjs due to code review practices that it allows by providing Linters. Also, it helps to generate identical coding practices among developers. Linters follow a strict set of rules that keeps the codebase consistent.


AngularCLI improves the code quality. Integrations like Angular Core, Angular material etc. eases and maintains the code quality. AngularCLI has reduced the learning curve of Angular and allows developers to predict compilation behavior. Hence it is possible to generate smooth builds and decrease the iterating efforts of developers, that leads to bad code quality in the end. 

3. Code Maintenance-


It is important to maintain a code and practice a habit to write clean code from scratch. Reactjs is best to write clean code within the same time. In react, developers don’t need to rewrite the same thing again and again, rather it has made developers develop a code that works among the small modules without becoming redundant in practice. Reactjs allows the reusability of code by allowing to create reusable UI components. As Reactjs allows creation of custom Reactjs components, it is easy to render the uncontrolled input fields and recognize the components easily with unique naming conventions.


It is popular to build single-page applications. Single page applications are having complex structures and several programming modules, because of which it needs to put program files in different files. Maintaining complex structure and keeping it a rich app leads to selecting the framework that allows complex maintainability and has the capability to manage complex naming conventions. In case of website, Angular allows to receive quick weather updates data for widgets. It integrates widgets with UI components and reuse components for better code maintainability. Generally, developers deal with serious maintainability issues when it comes to building rich web clients, where combining HTML and Javascript is somehow difficult because of less modularization.

Angular solves these issues by building maintainable javascript. It provides HTML extension to deal with such problems, and it provides relief to developers and saves a lot of time.

4. Two-Way Data Binding-


Reactjs does not follow an automatic approach to data binding and stick to its simple and solid architecture. It uses two way data binding to manage both heavy parsing work and extensive manipulation of data.


Two-way data binding is an efficient technique to fetch the data from large ERP based software such as medical software, accounting and other software that needs highly complex requirements. Angular makes use of two-way data binding and hence there’s not a single doubt that any tech stack can beat the synchronization between two different elements like angular does. It keeps updated the two layers with the same data. It binds HTML element to the model variable and only displays but also changes it in a backend. This helps to coordinate two different data models of the framework that helps in creating an interactive user interface without interventions of callbacks and extra efforts of programmers. 

5. Learning Curve-


Basic things to learn in Reactjs is writing components, managing internal states and how to use props for configuration. Developers may find it weird to write initial stages but as it doesn’t add any complexity, it’s a good tech stack. With Reactjs, learning the basics along with state management and routing library; you will be one the right track to start the app development.


It is dynamic and vast. Programmers may find it challenging to cover lots of topics in Angular but it is better to give time at the beginning phase for better app development. It starts from directives, modules, components, services, dependency injections and so on. Angular has comparatively higher learning curve than Reactjs. Angular wins the battle when it comes to solve the toughest problems in large scale apps.


Choosing the best framework for app development is a confusing task for most of you, but the above comparison will help you to choose the best one. Reactjs is good for the team as they would want to build an application out of a small learning curve. When building enterprise apps with big development, teams can prefer Angular. It can handle multiple things on its own without depending on any additional help. 

 Article keywords:
react, angular, development, software


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